Tengri alemlerni yaratqanda, biz uyghurlarni NURDIN apiride qilghan, Turan ziminlirigha hökümdarliq qilishqa buyrighan.Yer yüzidiki eng güzel we eng bay zimin bilen bizni tartuqlap, millitimizni hoquq we mal-dunyada riziqlandurghan.Hökümdarlirimiz uning iradisidin yüz örigechke sheherlirimiz qum astigha, seltenitimiz tarixqa kömülüp ketti.Uning yene bir pilani bar.U bizni paklawatidu,Uyghurlar yoqalmastur!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
1. The Committee considered the eighth to twelfth periodic reports of Namibia (CERD/C/NAM/12), submitted in one document, at its 1878th and 1879th meetings (CERD/C/SR.1878 and CERD/C/SR.1879), held on 29 and 30 July 2008. At its 1896th meeting (CERD/C/SR.1896), held on 12 August 2008, it adopted the following concluding observations.
A. Introduction
2. The Committee welcomes the submission of the eighth to twelfth periodic reports by the State party. It notes with appreciation the efforts made by the State party to comply with the guidelines for the preparation of reports and to address the issues raised by the Committee in its previous concluding observations.
3. The Committee welcomes the opportunity to resume the dialogue with the State party and expresses appreciation for the frank and sincere dialogue held with the delegation and the comprehensive responses provided to the list of issues and questions posed by Committee members.
GE. 08-44164 CERD/C/NAM/CO/12 page 2
4. Noting that the report was almost 10 years overdue when submitted, the Committee invites the State party to observe the deadlines set for the submission of its reports in the future.
B. Positive aspects
5. The Committee welcomes the commitment expressed by the State party to reconciling Namibian society and building a nation in which all communities can live in peace and harmony, irrespective of their national and ethnic origin, colour, belief or language. It acknowledges the difficulties with which the State party has been confronted in eliminating racial discrimination following decades of its institutionalization during colonial occupation. The Committee commends the State party for its critical self-assessment during the dialogue with the Committee.
6. The Committee welcomes the State party’s efforts to combat segregation and racial discrimination in various areas, particularly education.
7. The Committee also welcomes the adoption of special measures in the context of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and, in accordance with article 1, paragraph 4, and article 2, paragraph 2, of the Convention, with the purpose of securing adequate advancement of racial, ethnic and other groups that have experienced discrimination.
8. The Committee welcomes the intention of the State party to hold a national census in the near future and notes that information obtained from such census will enable a better assessment of the implementation by the Committee and the State party itself.
C. Concerns and recommendations
9. The Committee notes with concern the paucity of socio-economic data provided in the current report and underlines the importance and value it attaches to such data.
The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure that socio-economic data relevant for the monitoring of the Convention is available in the next report. In this connection, the Committee draws the State party’s attention to paragraphs 10 to 12 of the reporting guidelines for the CERD-specific document adopted at its seventy-first session.1
10. While noting with satisfaction that, according to article 144 of the Namibian Constitution, the Convention is directly applicable by Namibian courts, the Committee is concerned that the definition of racial discrimination in the Racial Discrimination Prohibition Act of 1991 is not completely consistent with article 1 of the Convention.
1 CERD/C/2007/1. CERD/C/NAM/CO/12 page 3
The Committee recommends the State party to ensure that its domestic law conforms to the Convention. The State party is also encouraged to strengthen its efforts to provide training for judges and lawyers to increase their awareness of the content and the direct applicability of the Convention at the national level.
11. While noting the establishment of a Law Reform and Development Commission which is charged with, inter alia, the review of discriminatory laws dating back to colonial times, the Committee reiterates its concern about the discriminatory character of some Namibian laws that remain in force, including with regard to the administration of intestate inheritance. It also remains concerned about aspects of customary laws of certain ethnic groups on personal status that discriminate against women and girls, including laws pertaining to marriage and inheritance. (arts. 2 and 5(d)(iv) and (vi))
The Committee urges the State party to review its laws with a view to removing discriminatory laws in order to provide equal protection and treatment to all persons. Recalling its general recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination, the Committee recommends in particular that the State party urgently ensure that its laws, especially on marriage and inheritance, do not discriminate against women and girls of certain ethnic groups. It invites the State party to consider introducing a system which allows individuals a choice between customary law systems and the national law while ensuring that the discriminatory aspects of customary laws are not applied.
12. The Committee notes with appreciation the State party’s intention to increase the budget allocated for special measures, but remains concerned that not all communities might benefit from these programmes in practice. While noting the State party’s assertion that it consults the affected communities when devising special measures, it is concerned by the existing perception that these programmes are imposed without consultation and active participation of these communities. (arts. 2 (2) and 5 (c))
The Committee encourages the State party to engage in a data-gathering exercise to ensure that special measures are designed and implemented for all beneficiary communities on the basis of their prior consultation and active participation, and that they will not result in the maintenance of unequal or separate rights for those groups after the objectives for which they were taken have been achieved.
13. The Committee notes with appreciation the legal provisions regarding the desegregation of the educational system. However, it remains concerned about the persistence of de facto discrimination regarding access to education, as well as the high illiteracy rate that continues to exist among marginalized parts of the population. (arts. 3 and 5(e)(v)).
The Committee urges the State party to strengthen the implementation of its laws and policies aimed at the desegregation of education. In particular, the State party should increase its efforts aimed at reducing illiteracy, CERD/C/NAM/CO/12 page 4
especially among the most marginalized communities. It requests the State party to provide, in its next periodic report, information on the impact achieved by these measures.
14. The Committee is concerned that the 1998 Racial Discrimination Prohibition Amendment Act restricts the scope of the original law regarding the prohibition of hate speech by limiting the possibility to prosecute such acts only as crimen injuria. It regrets that it did not receive any information on concrete measures taken to ensure that verbal attacks on minority groups by Government officials or other actors are subject to sanctions. (art. 4)
The Committee recommends that the State party review its laws in order to prevent, combat and punish hate speech with a view to upholding the provisions of article 4 of the Convention. Recalling its general recommendation No. 15 (1993) on article 4 of the Convention, the Committee reminds the State party that the exercise of the right to freedom of opinion and expression carries special duties and responsibilities, and that the prohibition of the dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or racial hatred is compatible with the right to freedom of opinion and expression. The State party is urged to take firm action to counter any tendency to target, stigmatize, stereotype or profile persons and communities on the basis of race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin, especially by politicians.
15. The Committee notes with concern that it did not receive sufficient information on the status and situation of refugees and asylum-seekers in the State party, in particular with regard to their right to identity documents and the requirement for refugees and asylum-seekers to reside in special camps, unless a special permit is granted. (art. 5 (a) and (d)(i))
The Committee urges the State party to respect the right to freedom of movement of refugees and asylum-seekers within the borders of the State party’s territory, as well as their right to identity documents, including by issuing official birth certificates to newborn children of asylum-seekers and refugees.
16. The Committee regrets that it did not receive sufficient information on the criteria used by the State party to recognize traditional leaders under the Traditional Authorities Act of 2000 as well as the Council of Traditional Leaders Act of 1997, including on whether the scope of the laws includes all indigenous communities. It is therefore particularly concerned that no institution exists to assess applications for recognition independently of the Government. (art. 5(b))
The Committee requests the State party to provide, in its next periodic report, information on the criteria used for the recognition of traditional leaders. The State party should ensure that the criteria used for the recognition of traditional leaders under the Traditional Authorities Act of 2000 are objective and fair and that their application process is monitored CERD/C/NAM/CO/12 page 5
by an independent body charged with assessing the legitimacy of applications for recognition by indigenous groups.
17. The Committee acknowledges the difficulties within a democratic system in implementing land reform policies with a view to addressing existing imbalances. However, it is concerned about the apparent lack of clear and transparent criteria for the redistribution of land in practice, and notes with concern the paucity of information concerning the implementation of relevant policies in this field. (art. 5(d)(v))
The State party is encouraged to implement its policies on land reform in such a way to ensure the equal exercise by the different ethnic communities of the rights enshrined in the Convention within the framework of a democratic system. The Committee invites the State party to provide information on the measures taken to ensure the implementation of land reform policy and particularly its impact on vulnerable groups.
18. The Committee is concerned about the lack of recognition of the rights of ownership of indigenous communities over the lands which they traditionally occupy or have occupied. (art. 5(d)(v))
The Committee reminds the State party of its general recommendation No. 23 (1997) on the rights of indigenous peoples, in particular paragraph 5, which calls on State parties to recognize and protect the rights of indigenous peoples to own, develop, control and use their lands and territories. It therefore encourages the State party, in consultation with the indigenous communities concerned, to demarcate or otherwise identify the lands which they traditionally occupy or use, and to establish adequate procedures to resolve land claims by indigenous communities within the domestic judicial system while taking due account of relevant indigenous customary laws.
19. The Committee welcomes the statement that local communities participate in the management of new conservation areas. However, it is concerned about the ability of the local indigenous communities to pursue their traditional way of life in such parks. The Committee is also concerned that those communities whose lands were taken before 1990 have not been able to receive redress for this dispossession (arts. 5 (d)(v) and (e)(vi)).
The Committee encourages the State party to strengthen its laws and policies aimed at ensuring that national parks established on ancestral lands of indigenous communities allow for sustainable economic and social development compatible with the cultural characteristics and living conditions of those indigenous communities. In cases where indigenous communities have been deprived of their lands and territories traditionally owned, the Committee recommends that the State party take steps to return those lands and territories or to provide adequate reparation measures, in accordance with paragraph 5 of general recommendation No. 23 (1997) on the rights of indigenous peoples. CERD/C/NAM/CO/12 page 6
20. The Committee remains concerned that despite the special measures taken by the State party to reduce poverty and to progressively realize equal and sustainable development, discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity with regard to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights persists in the State party. (art. 5(e))
The Committee recommends that the State party conduct studies with a view to assessing and evaluating the level of enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights by the different ethnic groups in the State party, based on which the State party should strengthen its efforts in combating poverty among marginalized groups as well as its measures aimed at promoting equal opportunities for all persons.
21. The Committee acknowledges the State party’s stated intention to review the development programmes currently in place, as well as the steps taken by the State party to improve the economic and social situation of the indigenous communities, including by mobile school units, scholarships for San children, and non-discrimination training for employers. However, it remains concerned about the extreme poverty of the indigenous communities and its impact on their equal enjoyment of human rights. The Committee is particularly concerned about the high rate of HIV/AIDS infection among the San, their lack of access to identification documents, their low level of school attendance, and the comparatively low life expectancy among those communities. (art. 5(e))
The Committee recommends that the State party enhance its efforts to reduce poverty and to stimulate economic growth and development for the most marginalized groups, namely the indigenous communities, especially with regard to education and health. It requests that the State party provide, in its next periodic report, information on the active involvement of targeted beneficiaries in the decisions directly relating to their rights and interests.
22. The Committee notes with concern the low level of participation in political life and, in particular, the lack of representation in Parliament as well as regional and local public authorities of the indigenous communities, particularly the San community (art. 5(c))
The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to ensure the full participation of indigenous communities in public affairs at all levels. It encourages the State party to revise its electoral laws with a view to encouraging political parties to broaden their appeal to ethnic minorities and to include a minimum proportion of candidates from these groups.
23. The Committee is concerned about the high incidence of rape of San women by members of other communities, which seems to be caused by negative stereotypes, and it regrets the lack of detailed information provided by the State party on this issue. (art. 5(b)) CERD/C/NAM/CO/12 page 7
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt all necessary measures to ensure prompt, thorough and independent investigations into all allegations of rape against San women. It also urges the State party to increase its efforts aimed at combating prejudices against the San and to promote tolerance and foster intercultural dialogue among the different ethnic groups of Namibia.
24. The Committee, while welcoming the State party’s efforts to enhance the economic and social participation of persons belonging to marginalized groups, in particular the San, notes with concern that integration policies and programmes might be detrimental to the protection of ethnic and cultural diversity of these communities. (arts. 5 and 7)
Recalling that the principle of non-discrimination requires that the cultural characteristics of all ethnic groups be taken into consideration, the Committee urges the State party to ensure that its integration policies and programmes respect and protect the cultural identities of persons belonging to national or ethnic minorities within its territory. The Committee further encourages the State party to ensure the participation of these groups in the design and implementation of integration policies and programmes, at both national and local levels.
25. The Committee commends the State party for the planned increase of the financial and human resources of the Office of the Ombudsman. However, the Committee expresses its concern about the limited mandate of the Ombudsman. (art. 6)
The Committee encourages the State party to take all necessary steps to strengthen the legislative mandate and the capacity of the Office of the Ombudsman, so that it effectively fulfil its mandate. The Committee, while noting that only a small number of complaints have been received, reminds the State party that this may be due to victims’ lack of information about their rights and of the accessibility of legal remedies. The State party is therefore encouraged to sensitize the general public about their rights and the availability of legal remedies for victims of racial discrimination.
26. The Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying the 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (adopted by the General Assembly in resolution 45/158).
27. The Committee recommends that the State party take into account the relevant parts of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance,2 when implementing the Convention in its domestic legal order, particularly as regards articles 2 to 7 of the Convention. The Committee urges that the State party include in its next periodic report specific information on action plans and other measures taken to implement the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action at
2 A/CONF.189/12. CERD/C/NAM/CO/12 page 8
the national level. The Committee also encourages the State party to increase its efforts to actively participate in the Preparatory Committee for the Durban Review Conference, as well as in the Durban Review Conference in 2009.
28. The Committee notes that the State party has not made the optional declaration provided for in article 14 of the Convention and invites the State party to consider doing so.
29. The Committee recommends that the State party ratify the amendment to article 8, paragraph 6, of the Convention, adopted on 15 January 1992 at the fourteenth meeting of States parties to the Convention and endorsed by the General Assembly in resolution 47/111. In this connection, the Committee cites General Assembly resolution 61/148, in which the Assembly strongly urged States parties to accelerate their domestic ratification procedures with regard to the amendment and to notify the Secretary-General expeditiously in writing of their agreement to the amendment.
30. The Committee recommends that the State party’s reports be made readily available to the public at the time of their submission, and that the observations of the Committee with respect to these reports be similarly publicized in the official, most commonly spoken, and indigenous languages.
31. The Committee recommends that the State party consult widely with organizations of civil society working in the area of human rights protection, in particular in combating racial discrimination, in connection with the preparation of the next periodic report.
32. The Committee invites the State party to submit its core document in accordance with the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, in particular those on the common core document, as adopted by the fifth inter-Committee meeting of the human rights treaty bodies held in June 2006 .3
33. In accordance with article 9, paragraph 1, of the Convention and rule 65 of its amended rules of procedure, the Committee requests the State party to provide information, within one year of the adoption of the present conclusions, on its follow-up to the recommendations contained in paragraphs 11, 14, and 23 above.
34. The Committee recommends that the State party submit its thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth periodic reports, in a single document, due on 31 July 2012, taking into account the guidelines for the CERD-specific document adopted by the Committee during its seventy-first session,4 and that it address all points raised in the present concluding observations.
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Source: http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/48ef5c0a2.html
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Artile Link
Published: August 28,2009
Geneva , Aug 28 (AFP) The United Nations today urged China to guarantee"humane treatment"and offer fair trials to those held over last year's unrest in Tibet and July's violence in Xinjiang.
This included granting the detainees"access to a lawyer of their choice, presumption of innocence, and handing down proportionate sentences on those found guilty,"the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination said after considering China&aposs record.
China had said during the UN hearing held on August 7 and 10 that it has released 1,231 people held over the Tibet unrest after they were"punished, made to submit statements of repentance and educated by judicial authorities in Tibet."
Seventy-seven others have been charged with serious offences such as burglary, arson and obstruction of justice, while seven others were charged with espionage.
Beijing added that 718 people were still held over the violence in Xinjiang, with around 83 people facing charges of serious crimes, such as murder, arson and robbery.
In its conclusions published today, the UN committee acknowledged China&aposs duty to maintain public order in the face of the unrest, but said it was"concerned"at allegations of the disproportionate use of force against ethnic Tibetans and Uighurs.
Menbe: http://www.indopia.in/India-usa-uk-news/latest-news/661654/International/2/20/2
28 August 2009
Concluding observations of the Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination
(including Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions)
1. The Committee considered the tenth to thirteenth periodic reports of the People’ Republic of China (CERD/C/CHN/13), including Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (CERD/C/HKG/13) and Macau Special Administrative Region (CERD/C/MAC/13), submitted in three documents by the respective authority covering the reporting period from the tenth to thirteenth periodic reports, at its 1942nd and 1943rd meetings (CERD/C/SR.1942 and CERD/C/SR.1943), held on 7 and 10 August 2009. At its 1966th meeting (CERD/C/SR.1966), held on 25 August 2009, it adopted the following concluding observations.
2. The Committee welcomes the submission of the tenth to thirteenth periodic reports of the People’s Republic of China including Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions and the opportunity thus offered to resume the dialogue with the State party. It also expresses its appreciation for the constructive dialogue held with the large and competent delegation and the comprehensive written and oral responses provided to the list of issues and the questions posed by Committee members.
3. The Committee welcomes the adoption of the National Human Rights Action Plan 2009-2010, which includes a chapter on the protection of the rights of ethnic minorities.
4. The Committee notes with satisfaction the adoption of a range of laws at the national, provincial and local level to protect the rights of minorities, in particular the revised Regional Ethnic Autonomy Law of the People’s Republic of China of 2001 and the Rules of the State Council on the Implementation of that law adopted in 2005, as well as the Regulations on Ethnic Work in Cities and the Regulations on the Ethnic Administrative Work.
5. The Committee commends the State party for the adoption of a number of programs and policies aimed at the advancement of minorities, including the 11th Five-Year Program for the Ethnic Minority Cause, the Development Program to Help Ethnic Groups with Relatively Small Populations (2005-2010), the Grand Strategy for the development of China’s West and the 11th Five-Year Program for the Action on Prosperity Promotion in Border Areas.
6. The Committee notes with appreciation the rate of economic development and the adoption of policies and programmes aimed at achieving an equal level of development in all regions, including the autonomous provinces largely inhabited by ethnic minorities.
Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions
7. The Committee welcomes the adoption of the Race Discrimination Ordinance (Chapter 602 of the Laws of Hong Kong), which entered into force in 2009.
8. The Committee notes with satisfaction the adoption of Law 6/2008 on the Fight Against Trafficking in Persons, as well as Law 1/2004, establishing the Legal Framework on the Recognition and Loss of Refugee Status, in Macau SAR.
9. The Committee notes the lack of disaggregated statistical data regarding the socio-economic status of members of ethnic minorities, non-citizens, asylum-seekers and refugees.
In accordance with its General Recommendation No. 8 (1990) and paragraphs 10 to 12 of its revised reporting guidelines (CERD/C/2007/1), the Committee reiterates its request (A/56/18, para. 250) that the State party include, in its next periodic report, updated and detailed statistical data on the socio-economic situation of the population, disaggregated by ethnic groups and nationalities. In this regard, it recalls the importance of gathering accurate and up-to-date data on the ethnic composition of the population.
10. While taking note of article 4 of the State party’s Constitution, stipulating that all ethnic groups in the State party are equal, the Committee reiterates its concern (A/56/18, para. 241) that the domestic legislation of the State party does not contain a definition of racial discrimination in full conformity with the definition set out in article 1 of the Convention, as it does not include a prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of descent and national origin. (art. 1)
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt a comprehensive definition of racial discrimination, fully in accordance with article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin. In this regard, the Committee especially draws the State party’s attention to its General Recommendation No. 30 (2004) on discrimination against non-citizens.
11. While noting the State party’s information on legislation at the national, provincial and local levels aimed at protecting the rights of minorities, the Committee reiterates its concern (A/56/18, para. 242) that the State party has not adopted a comprehensive anti-discrimination law to protect individuals from racial discrimination. (art. 2)
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt a comprehensive law, at the national level, on the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, covering all rights and freedoms protected under the Convention.
12. The Committee, taking into account that the National Human Rights Action Plan is set to end in 2010, notes the lack of information regarding the extension of the duration of this Plan. (art. 2)
The Committee encourages the State party to extend the Action Plan beyond 2010, to consider including specific provisions on the elimination of racial discrimination and to promote its full implementation.
13. The Committee, acknowledging the information provided by the delegation concerning natural migration within the State party, notes with concern reports according to which the system of incentives granted to work and settle in the autonomous minority regions may result in substantive changes in the demographic composition that impact negatively on local traditions and cultures in these regions. (arts. 2 and 5)
The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (CERD/C/304/Add.15, para. 26) that any policies or incentives offered that may result in a substantial alteration of the demographic composition of autonomous minority areas be reviewed.
14. While noting the ongoing reforms of the national household registration system (hukou), the Committee is concerned at the de facto discrimination against internal migrants in the fields of employment, social security, health services, and education that indirectly result from that system, which also affects members of ethnic minorities, and in particular women. (art. 5(a) and 2)
The Committee recommends that the State party implement its decision to reform the hukou system and to ensure that internal migrants, in particular members of ethnic minorities, will be able to enjoy the same work, social security, health and education benefits as long-time urban residents.
15. While acknowledging the information provided by the State party on the revision of its legislation regarding administrative detention and “re-education through labour”, the Committee is concerned at reports that in practice effective judicial control of these measures is limited and that the application of these laws may disproportionately affect members of ethnic minorities. (art. 5(a) and (b))
The Committee calls upon the State party to take effective measures with a view to ensuring that the application of administrative detention and “re-education through labor” is used restrictively and subject to full judicial control in line with international human rights standards, and that these practices are not disproportionately applied to members of ethnic minorities. It requests the State party to provide, in its next periodic report, information, including disaggregated statistics by ethnic group, on cases in which these measures were administered, and on appeals lodged, if any. In this regard, the Committee also draws the State party’s attention to the Universal Periodic Review procedure and in particular Recommendation 31, which enjoyed the support of the State party (A/HRC/11/25). In light of the section in the National Human Rights Action Plan regarding the prohibition of illegal detention, it also encourages the State party to consider the complete abolition of such laws, as recommended by the Committee against Torture (CAT/C/CHN/CO/4, para. 13).
16. While noting that the State party is in the process of drafting a refugee law, the Committee reiterates its concern (A/56/18, para. 246) that asylum-seekers from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea continue to be systematically refused asylum and forcibly returned. (art. 5(b))
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt legislation relating to refugee status as soon as possible. Bearing in mind its General Recommendation No. 30 (2004) on discrimination against non-citizens, the Committee calls upon the State party to take all necessary legal and policy measures to ensure that all asylum-seekers have the merits of their individual cases considered by an independent and impartial authority.
17. While noting the information provided by the State party regarding the events in Tibet Autonomous Region in March 2008, as well as the events in Urumqi, Xingjian Uighur Autonomous Region, in July 2009. It regrets the loss of life, including among the State party’s armed forces and police, and the suffering of all victims. While it recognizes the State party’s duty to maintain public order, the Committee is concerned at reports alleging the disproportionate use of force against ethnic Tibetans and Uighurs respectively and the important number of their detentions. (art. 5(a) and (b))
The Committee calls upon the State party to ensure that those detained in connection with the above events are guaranteed humane treatment while in custody and fair trial standards according to international law, including access to a lawyer of their choice, presumption of innocence, and handing down proportionate sentences on those found guilty. The Committee further recommends that the State party carefully consider the root causes of such events, including inter-ethnic violence, and the reasons why the situation escalated.
18. The Committee welcomes the measures taken by the State party to ensure fair and adequate representation of minorities in the administration, police force, and the military. Notwithstanding the data provided by the State party on the participation of ethnic minorities, including women, in public service and in decision-making positions in political life, the Committee is concerned about the continuing under-representation of minorities, particularly of minority women, in public life. (art. 5(c))
The Committee recommends that the State party intensify its efforts aimed at fair and adequate participation of all minority groups in public service, including the military, and political life. It also recommends that the State party encourage minority women to become more active in public life and draws the State party’s attention to General Recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination. The Committee requests the State party to provide, in its next periodic report, more detailed information on the representation of ethnic minorities in public life, with an indication of the representation in higher-level positions.
19. Despite the delegation’s assurance that lawyers can exercise their profession freely and in accordance with the Lawyer Law, the Committee notes with concern reports on the harassment of defense lawyers taking up cases of human rights violations, especially those introduced by members of ethnic minorities. In this regard, it also notes that the National Human Rights Action Plan expresses the State party’s intention to revise or amend any laws incompatible with the Lawyers Law. (art. 5(d))
The Committee calls upon the State party to take all appropriate measures to ensure that lawyers can exercise their profession freely, in law and in practice, and to promptly and impartially investigate all allegations of harassment, intimidation, or other acts impeding the work of lawyers. In line with the chapter on the right to a fair trial in the National Human Rights Action Plan, it recommends that the State party revise all laws and regulations that are inconsistent with the Lawyers Law and international standards.
20. Notwithstanding the assurances provided by the State party’s delegation, the Committee remains concerned about reports that members of some minority groups do not fully enjoy the freedom of religion. (art. 5(d))
Taking into account the intersectionality between ethnicity and religion, the Committee recommends that the State party ensure the respect for the right of members of all ethnic groups to freely enjoy the freedom of religion.
21. While welcoming the measures taken to eliminate economic development disparities between different regions, the Committee notes that the Western provinces and regions that are inhabited by the most numerous minorities continue to be economically underdeveloped. However, it also reiterates its previous observation (A/56/18, para. 243) that economic growth in minority regions, ipso facto, is not tantamount to the equal enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights in accordance with article 5(e) of the Convention. (art. 5(e))
The Committee recommends that the State party continue to intensify its efforts aimed at creating conditions for sustainable development in the Western areas and to eliminate economic and social disparities between the regions. It also requests that the State party provide further information on the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights by all ethnic groups of the State party and the effectiveness of the measures taken to ensure that all minority groups benefit from the economic growth. At the same time, it reiterates its recommendation that the State party take all necessary steps to fully ensure the promotion of and respect for local and regional cultures and traditions.
22. The Committee has taken note of the State party’s policy of bilingual education for ethnic minorities, including the range of bilingual teaching models. It is however concerned at reports that in practice Mandarin is the sole language of instruction in many schools in the autonomous minority provinces, especially in the secondary and higher levels of education. While noting with appreciation the increase in school enrolment rates in minority regions and the various measures adopted to enable access to education for members of ethnic minorities, it reiterates its concern (A/56/18, para. 245) about remaining disparities for ethnic minority children in accessing education, which is often linked to the availability of teaching in Mandarin only. (art. 5(e))
The Committee recommends the State party to intensify its efforts to ensure the implementation of legislation and policies on bilingual education at all education levels, taking into account the relevant recommendations of the Forum on Minority Issues of 15 and 16 December 2008 (A/HRC/10/11/Add.1). It also recommends that the State party ensure that special measures adopted to promote access to education of children of ethnic minorities, such as scholarships or lower entry qualification, are available in practice. It also requests the State party to provide detailed information, including disaggregated statistics on enrollment in primary, secondary and higher education of members of ethnic minorities, in its next periodic report. In this regard, the Committee also draws the State party’s attention to the Universal Periodic Review procedure and in particular Recommendation 16, which enjoyed the support of the State party (A/HRC/11/25).
23. The Committee regrets that the State party did not provide more detailed information on illiteracy among different minority groups and the measures taken by the State party to target those groups that are most affected. It remains concerned at reports of high illiteracy rates among some ethnic minorities. (art. 5(e))
The Committee calls upon the State party to strengthen its measures in the short and medium terms to implement measures to reduce illiteracy among ethnic minorities, especially in rural areas. The Committee recommends that the State party provide more information on illiteracy rates among the different ethnic groups and between men and women in its next periodic report.
24. While noting the wide range of measures and policies adopted by the State party to improve access to health-care and services, the Committee is concerned that persons belonging to ethnic minorities often face obstacles in accessing health care and services. (art. 5 (e))
The Committee recommends that the State party continue intensifying its efforts to address the persistent health disparities affecting persons belonging to ethnic minorities, in particular by addressing the obstacles that currently prevent or limit their access to affordable and adequate health care, taking into consideration the difficulties posed by their geographical location. In this regard, the Committee also draws the State party’s attention to the Universal Periodic Review procedure and in particular Recommendation 20, which enjoyed the support of the State party (A/HRC/11/25).
25. Despite the laws and policy measures adopted by the State party to improve employment rates among ethnic minorities, such as quotas and targeted recruitment, the Committee is concerned about the high rate of unemployment among members of ethnic minorities. (art. 5(e))
The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its measures to increase employment opportunities for members of ethnic minorities, in particular by focusing on professional training and by providing language training, and to ensure the effective implementation of its legislation in this regard, in particular the Employment Promotion Law of 2007. At the same time, the Committee encourages the State party to intensify its efforts to combat prevailing stereotypes concerning ethnic minorities.
26. The Committee notes the lack of information on complaints of racial discrimination and the absence of court cases regarding racial discrimination (arts. 6 and 4).
The Committee, considering that no country is free from racial discrimination, calls upon the State party to examine why there have been only few judicial cases in this regard. It recommends that the State party verify if the scarcity of such complaints is not the result of lack of effective remedies enabling victims to seek redress, victims’ lack of awareness of their rights, fear of reprisals, lack of confidence in the police and judicial authorities, or lack of attention or sensitivity to cases of racial discrimination on the part of the authorities. The Committee also draws the State parties attention to its General Recommendation No. 31 (2005) on the prevention of racial discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice system.
Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions
27. The Committee expresses its concern about the definition of racial discrimination given in the Hong Kong SAR Race Discrimination Ordinance, which is not completely consistent with article 1 of the Convention as it does not clearly define indirect discrimination with regard to language, and it does not include immigration status and nationality among the prohibited grounds of discrimination. (art. 1(1))
The Committee recommends that indirect discrimination with regard to language, immigration status and nationality be included among the prohibited grounds of discrimination in the Race Discrimination Ordinance. It recalls its General Recommendation No. 30 (2004) on non-citizens.
28. The Committee is concerned that the Hong Kong SAR Race Discrimination Ordinance only covers certain Government activities and exercise of its powers in its scope of application, i.e. employment, education, and the provision of goods and services. (art. 2)
The Committee recommends that all Government functions and powers be brought within the scope of the Race Discrimination Ordinance. It also recommends the adoption of an equality plan with a view to ensuring the effective implementation of the law and that the Equal Opportunities Commission be strengthened.
29. While noting the planned legislative framework for torture claimants in Hong Kong SAR, the Committee is concerned that the State party has not adopted a refugee law as such, including a screening procedure of asylum claims. (art. 5(b))
The Committee recommends the adoption of a law on refugees, with a view to establishing a comprehensive procedure for the screening of individual asylum claims. It furthermore recommends that the rights of asylum-seekers to information, interpretation, legal assistance and judicial remedies be guaranteed. The Committee also encourages the renewed consideration of the ratification of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol.
30. Despite the adoption of legislative measures aimed at combating discrimination in Hong Kong SAR, the Committee reiterates its concern (A/56/18, para. 248) at the situation of migrant workers, and in particular domestic migrant workers. It notes with concern that the “two-weeks rule” (whereby domestic migrant workers have to leave Hong Kong within two weeks upon termination of contract) continues to be in force, as well as the live-in requirement, and that migrant workers may be subject to longer working hours, and shorter rest and holiday periods. (art. 5(e))
The Committee recommends that effective measures be taken to ensure that domestic migrant workers are not discriminated against. It calls upon repealing of the “two-weeks rule” as well as the live-in requirement and that the State party adopt a more flexible approach to domestic migrant workers in relation to their working conditions and work requirements, including employment rules and practices with discriminatory purposes or effects. The Committee also draws attention to its General Recommendation No. 30 (2004) on discrimination against non-citizens.
31. Despite the provision of a Supplementary Guide to the Chinese language curriculum, the Committee is concerned that no official education policy for teaching Chinese as a second language for non-Chinese speaking students with an immigrant background in Hong Kong has been adopted. (art. 5(e))
The Committee recommends that a policy on Chinese teaching for non-Chinese speaking students from immigrant background be developed in consultation with teachers as well as the communities concerned. Efforts to improve the quality of Chinese language education for immigrant children should be intensified.
32. While welcoming the adoption of new legislation on trafficking, the Committee is concerned that trafficking in persons continues to be a serious problem in the Macau SAR, bearing in mind that victims are often women and children belonging to ethnic minorities or non-citizens. (art. 5 (b) and (e)).
The Committee recommends the reinforcement of measures to adequately prevent, combat and punish human trafficking, especially of non-citizens. It expects to receive, in the next periodic report, detailed statistical information in this regard, including on protection and reparation provided to the victims.
33. Notwithstanding the explanation provided by the delegation, the Committee notes with concern that migrant workers are excluded from the social welfare system in the Macau SAR. (art. 5(e))
The Committee recommends that relevant legislation be amended with a view to extending social welfare benefits to all workers, including migrant workers.
34. Bearing in mind the indivisibility of all human rights, the Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying those international human rights treaties which it has not yet ratified, in particular treaties the provisions of which have a direct bearing on the subject of racial discrimination, such as the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (1990).
35. The Committee recommends that the State party take into account the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted in September 2001 by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, as well as the Outcome Document of the Durban Review Conference, held in Geneva in April 2009, when implementing the Convention in its domestic legal order. The Committee requests that the State party include in its next periodic report specific information on action plans and other measures taken to implement the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action at the national level.
36. The Committee recommends that the State party continue consulting and expanding its dialogue with organizations of civil society working in the area of human rights protection, in particular in combating racial discrimination, in connection with the preparation of the next periodic report.
37. The Committee encourages the State party to consider making the optional declaration provided for in article 14 of the Convention.
38. The Committee recommends that the State party’s reports be made readily available and accessible to the public at the time of their submission, and that the observations of the Committee with respect to these reports be similarly publicized in the official and other commonly used languages, as appropriate.
39. The Committee encourages the State Party to submit its core document in accordance with the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, in particular those on the common core document, as adopted by the fifth inter-Committee meeting of the human rights treaty bodies held in June 2006 (HRI/GEN/2/Rev.4).
40. In accordance with article 9, paragraph 1, of the Convention and rule 65 of its amended rules of procedure, the Committee requests the State party to provide information, within one year of the adoption of the present conclusions, on its follow-up to the recommendations contained in paragraphs 12, 15, 19, and 30 above.
41. The Committee also wishes to draw the attention of the State party to the particular importance of recommendations 14, 21 and 28 and request the State party to provide detailed information in its next periodic report on concrete measures taken to implement these recommendations.
42. The Committee recommends that the State party submit its fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth periodic reports in a single document, due on 28 January 2013), taking into account the guidelines for the CERD-specific document adopted by the Committee during its seventy-first session (CERD/C/2007/1), and that it address all points raised in the present concluding observations.
27. Juli 2009
Der Präsident des Präsidiums für Religionsangelegenheiten, Yusuf Suiçmez, verurteilte die Massaker an den Uiguren in Ostturkestan und gab hierzu eine türkischsprachige Pressemitteilung heraus:
Wir verfolgen die Massaker an den in Ostturkistan lebenden muslimischen Türken genau und mit Besorgnis. Es werden verschiedene Zahlen zu den ermordeten muslimischen Türken bekanntgegeben. Egal wie hoch die Opferzahlen wirklich sind, bleiben die Massaker an unseren Verwandten inakzeptabel. Diese Sache ist weitaus mehr als etwas, welches nur die Muslime und Türken interessiert. Es ist ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit. Wir, als Angehörige einer Gesinnung, welche gegen die Erbarmungslosen und an der Seite der Unterdrückten ist, akzeptieren die Greueltaten gegen die Menschlichkeit und die Ungerechtigkeit nicht. Die Lage geht allen etwas an, nicht nur die Uiguren in Ostturkistan oder die chinesische Regierung sondern die gesamte Menscheit.
Als Nation sind wir bei unseren Brüdern. Das türkische Volk auf Zypern hat ähnliches Leid ertragen müssen. So verstehen wir die Lage, in der sie sich befinden, sehr gut. Als Präsident der Religionsangelegenheiten in der Türkischen Republik Nordzypern verurteile ich den Völkermord an den Uiguren aufs schärfste, erbitte für unsere Brüder, die bei den Ereignissen ihr Leben verloren haben, Gnade von Gott und wünsche Ruhe und Frieden für die Region.
KKTC Din İşleri Başkanı Dr. Yusuf Suiçmez
Veröffentlicht in 2009, Gesellschaft, Politik
Menbe: http://news.northcyprus.de/?p=4657
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Muxbirimiz Erkin Tarim

RFA Photo / Erkin Tarim
Sürette, iraq türkmen parlamént ezasi fewzi ekrem terzioghlu ependi melum yighilishta sözde.
Iraq parlamént ezalirining köpi bu parlamént ezasining chaqiriqini qollap quwwetligen. Iraq parlamént ezasi fewzi ekrem terzioghlu sözide yene dunyadiki atmishqa yéqin musulman döletlerni uyghurlargha yardem qilishqa chaqirghan.
Yuqiridiki awaz ulinishidin, bu heqtiki melumatimizning tepsilatini anglaysiler.
Muxbirimiz Yalqun
Ishpiyon gumandari babur mexsutning sotigha munasiwetlik uchurlar bir qanche aydin biri uyghurlarning izchil köngül bölüp kiliwatqan qiziq timilarning biri bolup kelmekte idi. Bügün 8 - Ayning 28 - Küni ishpiyon gumandari babur mexsutning üstidin yene bir qétim sot échildi.
Sot stokholim waqti saet 12 de bashlinip 1 de axirlashti. Sot échishni gumandar babur mexsutning adwokati telep qilghan bolup, adwokat sotta shiwétsiye qanuni buyiche gumandarni hökümisiz tutup turush waqti éship ketkenlikini asas qilip turup, gumandarni ailisige qoyiwétip tekshürüshni dawamlashturushni otturigha qoyghan.
Sot baburning adwokatining telipini we baburning délosigha mesul bash teptishning pikirini anglighandin kéyin , sotchi sot hökümini oqup ötti. Sotchi shiwétsiye qanuni buyiche gumandarni yene dawamliq tutup turiwerse bolmaydighanliqini, sot axirlashqan haman öyige qaytip dawamliq tekshürüshni qobul qilidighanliqini, emma bir qanche sherti barliqini bildürdi.
Gumandar babur mexsut shiwétsiye qanuni buyiche hazirdin bashlap erkin, emma nazaret astida dawamliq tekshürüshni qobul qilidu. Babur mexsutning pasporti tartiwélinip, stokholmdin sirt jaylargha bérishi cheklinidu. Her heptide 3 kün yeni düshenbe, charshenbe we jüme künliri kichikkende kech saet 5 tin burun saqchighanigha bérip enge alduridu. Kiler qétimliq sot 9 - Ayning 25 - Küni saet 11 de échilidu.
Sot jeryanidin melum bolushche , ishpiyon gumandari babur mexsutning axirqi sot hökümining kéchiktürülushi, uning délosining jeryani bir qeder murekkep, chétishliq dairisi kengri, bezi mesililer inchike bolghanliqi üchün tepsiliy tekshürüsh we teqiqleshni telep qilidiken.
Bezi uchurlardin melum bolushche, gumandar babur mexsutning ishpiyonluq herikiti yalghuz shiwétsiyidiki uyghurlarning matériyalini xitay konsuligha yetküzüsh bilen cheklenmestin yene , dunya uyghur qurultiyigha munasiwetlik uchurlarnimu yetküzüshke chétilidiken.
Yuqiridiki awaz ulinishidin, bu heqtiki melumatimizning tepsilatini anglaysiler.
Menbe: http://www.rfa.org/uyghur/xewerler/tepsili_xewer/babur-mexsut-soti-08282009195805.html/story_main?encoding=latin
Muxbirimiz Mihriban

Youtube Din élindi.
Youtube Din élinghan bu sürette, bir uyghur qizi xitaylardin qorqup derex üstige chiqiwalghan, bir top xitaylar u qizgha kaltek we tighlar bilen tehdit séliwatqan körünüsh ekis ettürülgen.
Bu kishi wetende 7 - Ayning axiridin 8 - Ayning otturilirighiche texminen 3 hepte etrapida turghan bolup, u ziyaritimizni qobul qilip, ürümchi weziyitining yenila jiddiy halette bolup kochilarda qoralliq saqchilarning we saqchi aptomobillirining charlap yürgenlikini, ürümchi shehirining uyghurlar nisbeten zich olturaqlashqan bezi rayonlirining qamal qilinghanliqini bayan qildi.
Bu kishi özining wetende yoluqqan kechürmishlirini eslep, özlirining yenen yolidiki musulmanlar qebristanliqi tereptiki tughqanlirining öyige bérish yolida saqchilarning yolni tosiwetkenliki uchun bashqa yoldin aylinip méngishqa mejbur bolghanliqini, bashqilardin anglishiche, bu qebristanliqni qoralliq saqchilar qoghdawatqan bolup, "5 - Iyul weqesi"din kéyin bu jaygha namelum uyghurlardin xéli jiq kishi depne qilinghanliqi uchun saqchilarning uyghurlar qebristanliqini qamal qiliwatqanliqini bayan qildi.
Bu kishi bizge weqedin kéyin, xéli jiq uyghurlarning tutqun qilinghanliqini anglighanliqini, tonushliridin anglishiche,texminen 10 mingdek uyghurning tutqun qilinghanliqini, hökümetning ürümchining qiziltagh téghi etrapidiki ilgiri sayahetchiler uchun teyyarlanghan kichik öylerni chéqiwétip uning ornigha waqitliq öyler yasap, weqede tutulghan uyghurlarni shu jaygha qamap soraq qiliwatqanliqini anglighanliqini sözlep berdi.
Bu kishi bizge téléwizorlarda bérilgen hökümet xewerliride ürümchi weqeside ölgen xitaylar heqqidiki xewerler we milletler ittipaqliqi heqqidiki teshwiqatlar bériliwatqanliqini, 7 - Iyul küni xitaylar teripidin öltürülgen uyghurlar heqqidiki xewerning bérilmigenlikini, emma uyghurlarning öz - Ara paranglirida weqede xéli jiq uyghurlarning ölüp ketkenliki heqqidiki geplerning bolunidighanliqini bayan qildi.
Bu kishi söhbet jeryanida yene, hazir gerche hökümetning mejburlishi bilen uyghurlarning soda dukanliri échiliwatqan bolsimu, lékin sirttin ürümchige kélip olturaqlashqan uyghurlar türküm - Türkümlep öz yurtlirigha qaytip ketkenliki uchun bu dukanlarda tijaret bolmighanliqini, sheher kochilirida özi ilgiriki yillarda weten ziyaritide köridighan qaynaq haletning tamamen yoqilip sheher chölderep qalghanliqini bayan qildi.
U bizge ürümchidiki mezgilide hökümet tor alaqisini pütünley üzüwetkenlki uchun ayropilan béliti élishta ayrodromgha téléfon urush arqiliq ayropilan béliti élishqa mejbur bolghanliqini, emma chetel bilen bolghan téléfon alaqisining qamal qilinghanliqini, toy - Tökün qatarliq yighilishlarning aziyip ketkenlikini, 3 - 4 Adem topliship oltursa saqchilarning derhal shu jaygha yétip kélip, ularning guwahnamisini tekshürgenliki uchun kishilerning öz - Ara topliship olturidighan ehwaliningmu nahayiti azliqini, kochilarda uchrighan yash uyghur balilirini saqchilar körgenla yerde toxtitip soraq qilidighanliqini,kochilardila saqchilar teripidin tutup kétilidighan uyghur yashlirining xewirini her küni anglap turghanliqini bayan qilip berdi.
U bizge tonushliridin anglishiche, réstoranda ötküzülgen melum bir toyda, ziyapet zaligha saqchilar qoligha qoyza sélinghan 2 neper uyghur balisini élip kélip, ulargha toydiki yashlarni körsitip, ular ichidin "5 - Iyul namayishi"gha qatnashqan uyghurlarni tonup bérishni telep qilghanliqini, netijide réstorandiki uyghurlar arisida wehime peyda bolghanliqini sözlep berdi.
U bizge yene "5 - Iyul ürümchi weqesi"din kéyin,u bizge ürümchide özi körgen uyghurlarning hökümetning bir tereplime teshwiqatigha nisbeten naraziliq keypiyatida boluwatqanliqini, kishilerning keypiyatining töwen,hesret ichide yashawatqanliqini,saqchi idariliride ishleydighan bir qisim uyghurlarning öz qérindashliri uchrawatqan pajielik qismetlerge chidimighanliqi uchun xizmitidin istépa bergenliki heqqidiki xewerlernimu anglighanliqini, hazir hökümetning uyghur élining her qaysi jayliridin bir qisim uyghurlarni "5 - Iyul ürümchi weqesi"de qolgha élinghanlarni soraq qilish uchun ürümchige yötkep kelgenlikini anglighanliqini sözlep berdi.
Söhbitimiz axirida u bizge, ürümchidin ayrilish aldida ayrodromda saqchilar teripidin qattiq tekshürülgenlikini, chetel pasporti bolghini üchünla axiri ayropilangha chiqish imkaniyiti bolghanliqini, özining bu qétimliq ürümchi sepiride ilgiriki seperlirige héch oxshimaydighan éghir hés - Tuyghular ichide wetendin ayrilghanliqini bayan qilip söhbitimizni axirlashturdi.
Yuqiridiki awaz ulinishidin, bu heqtiki söhbitimizning tepsilatini anglaysiler.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Muxbirimiz Mihriban

Fransiye xelqara radio, téliwiziye istansisi 26 - Awghust küni bergen xewiride, xitayning dölet reisi xu jintawning uyghur élige qaratqan xupiyane hem tuyuqsiz ziyariti heqqide toxtilip, "xu jintawning bu nöwetlik ziyariti xitay hökümiti üchün uyghur aptonom rayonining muqimliqining nahayiti muhimliqini, uyghur élidiki weziyetning tibettikidin keskin ikenlikini körsetti," dep xewer berdi.
Fransiye agéntliqi mulahize yürgüzüp, xu jintawning bu qétim uyghur aptonom rayonigha qilghan tuyuqsiz ziyariti hem "5 - Iyul weqesi" yüz bergendin kéyin, italiyide élip bériwatqan 8 dölet bashliqliri yighinigha qatnashmastin xitaygha qaytip kétishni qarar qilishi, amérika prézidénti barak obama bilen bolghan uchrishishni bikar qilishi qatarliqlar nöwette xitaydiki milliy mesile hem dölet ichidiki siyasiy, iqtisadiy mesililerning éghirliqini körsitidu, bu yene xitay kommunist hökümitining yuqiri qatlam rehberlirige qaritilghan bir qétimliq éghir sinaq bolushi mumkin," dep körsetti.
Fransiye xelqara radio, téléwiziye istansisining xewiride yene, éngliz tilida chiqidighan "junggo géziti"ning 24 - Awghust küni élan qilghan"5 - Iyul ürümchi weqesi"de gumanliq dep qaralghan 200 neper kishi üstidin ürümchi sheherlik ottura xelq sot mehkimisi mushu hepte ichide sot achidu, bu sewebtin ürümchi etrapidiki rayonlar yuqiri derijilik mudapie halitide turidu," dégen xewirini hem etisila xitayning "xelq géziti" qarmiqidiki "yer shari waqti géziti"de uyghur aptonom rayonluq axbarat ishxanisining ishxana mudiri xu xenmingning bu xewerni inkar qilip, uyghur aptonom rayoni bu hepte ichide "5 - Iyul weqesi"diki jinayet gumandarliri üstidin sot échishni qarar qilmighanliqi heqqide bayanat bergenlikini sélishturup, xitayning dölet ichidiki xewer agéntliqlirining xewerliridiki bir - Birige zit bolghan xewerlerni bérish qilmishliri heqqide toxtalghan.
Xongkongda chiqidighan " nur géziti" bayanat élan qilip, xu jintawning uyghur élige qaratqan tuyuqsiz ziyariti hem bu ziyaretning xitay axbarat agéntliqlirida 2 kün yoshurup xewer qilinishi, xitaydiki milliy mesilining sezgür hem murekkeplikini körsitidu, bolupmu bu qétimliq "ürümchi weqesi"de xitay merkizi hökümitidiki dölet bashliqliri milliy mesile heqqide toxtilishtin bash tartip, asasliq mesililerni uyghur aptonom rayonidiki emeldarlarning bir terep qilishigha tashlap bérip, perde arqisigha ötiwaldi, bu xitayning yuqiri qatlam hökümet bashliqlirining özlirini sezgür mesililerdin élip qachqanliqining ipadisi," dep körsetti.
Bu maqalide yene, uyghur mesilisining tibet mesilisi bilen bolghan perqi heqqide toxtilip, "tibette yüz bergen weqede bu qeder zor kölemlik milliy toqunush bolmidi, emma uyghur aptonom rayonidiki toqunushta ipadilengen milliy mesile bir qeder sezgür, milliy ziddiyetmu bir qeder ötkür, shunga xitay merkizi hökümiti uyghur aptonom rayonida yüz bergen weqege éhtiyat bilen muamile qiliwatidu. Bu qétimqi '5 - Iyul weqesi' diki jinayet gumandarlirigha qaritilghan sotning échilish waqti heqqide bérilgen bir - Birige zit bolghan ikki xil xewer buning ipadisi, xitay hökümiti bir tereptin axbarat organlirigha bezi boshluqlarni qaldurghan bolsa, yene bir tereptin xitaydiki milliy mesilining xelqarada munazire qilinishini xalimaydu" dep körsetti.
Fransiye agéntliqining xewiride xu jintawning bu qétimliq uyghur aptonom rayonigha qaratqan mexsus ziyaritidin kéyin, xitayning uyghur aptonom rayonigha qaratqan siyasitide belkim yéngiche özgirishler bolushi mumkinliki mulahize qilinip, xu jintawning uyghur aptonom rayonida muqimliqning aldinqi sherti yenila bu jaydiki iqtisadni yuqiri kötürüp, yerlik xelqning turmush sewiyisini östürüsh dep körsetkenlikidin xitayning uyghur élige qaratqan siyasitide özgirish bolushi mumkinlikini körüwalghili bolidighanliqi otturigha qoyulghan.
Xujingtawning uyghur élige qilghan ziyariti uyghur ziyaliliriningmu diqqitini qozghighan bolup amérikidiki uyghur ziyalisi élshat ependi öz qarishini bayan qilip ötti.
Élshat ependi sözide xujingtawning bu qétimliq ürümchi sepiri seweplik uyghur xitayning uyghur élige qaratqan siyasitide anche chong özgürüsh bolmaydighanliqini, peqet xitay kommunist hakimiyitila bolidiken uyghur élidiki milli kemsitish we milli zidyetning dawamliq mewjut bolidighanliqini uyghurlarning teqdiride chong özgürüsh bolmaydighanliqini bayan qildi.
Mutexessisler yene, xitay kommunist hökümiti hakimiyitining 60 yilliqini kütüwélish harpisida, dölet ichki muqimliqini saqlashni arzu qilghanliqi üchün, xitay dölet reisi xu jintaw uyghur aptonom rayonida mexsus ziyarette bolghan bolushi mumkin dep qarimaqta.
Muxbirimiz Gülchéhre

www.uyghuramerican.org Din élindi.
Süret, rabiye soda sariyi we eqide soda saraylirining yandin körünüshi bolup, töt kocha doqmushidiki bina rabiye soda sariyi, ong qol yandiki bina eqide soda sariyi.
Xitay dairilirining 5 - Iyul weqesidin kéyinla rabiye soda sariyini közdin yoqatmaqchi boluwatqanliqi némidin dérek béridu ? mushu minutlarda mezkur soda sarayning qurghuchisi, uyghur milliy herikiti rehbiri rabiye qadir xanim némilerni oylawatidu.
Gerche bir hepte ilgirila, chetellerge chiqqan bezi uyghur sodigerlerning radiomizgha yetküzgen inkasliridin, xitay hökümitining 5 - Iyul ürümchi weqesidin kéyinla, rabiye qadir soda sariyini chéqip tashlash üchün heriket qiliwatqanliqi melum bolghan bolsimu, xitay hökümitining uyghur élining cheteller bilen bolghan barliq téléfon hem intérnét alaqilirini üzüp tashlighanliqi üchün mezkur uchur heqqide ürümchidin delillik melumatqa ige bolmighan iduq.
26 - Awghust, rabiye qadir soda sariyi yénidiki nenguen saqchixanisigha téxnikiliq tedbirler arqiliq ulighan télifonimizdin, xitay dairilirining uyghur élida eng deslep shexsi igilik tikligüchi namida qurulghan, uyghurlar hayatida maddi hem meniwi rollarni élip kelgen simwolluq xaraktéridiki uyghur milliy soda sariyi bolghan rabiye qadir soda sariyini chéqish teyyarliqini bir ay ilgirila bashliwetkenliki melum boldi.
Saqchining bayanigha qarighanda rabiye qadir soda sariyini chéqishqa mesul dairiler rabiye qadir soda sariyining uduligha jaylashqan tengge tagh méhmanxanisida bolup, tengge tagh méhmanxanisigha téléfon qilip bu heqte yenimu tepsiliy melumat élishqa tirishtuq.
Démek hökümet tarmaqliri rabiye qadir soda sariyini chéqish üchün pilanliq halda resmiy ish bashlighili bir aydin ashqan.
Yette qewetlik rabiye qadir soda sariyi binasi 1990 - Yili tijaret bashlap, uzaq yillardin kéyin qayta janlanghan uyghur milliy igilikining abidisi süpitide qed kötürüp turghan shundaqla, 20 yilgha yéqin musapiside, ürümchide uyghurlar üchün qaynaq hayat keypiyati, sap milliy alahidiliki bolghan özgiche bir bazar süpitide, uyghur élining jenub, shimalidin kelgen uyghurlarning ürümchidiki eng merkezlik toplinidighan orni bolup kelgen.
Ismini ashkarilashni xalimighan bir uyghur sodigerning bildürüshiche, ürümchi sheherlik hökümet bir ay ilgiri, rabiye qadir soda sariyidiki tijaretchilerge köchüsh buyruqi chüshürgen. Rabiye qadir soda sariyida besh yüzdin artuq resmiy dukan hemde yaymichilar üchün yüzdin artuq orun bolup ikki mingdin artuq sodiger hem ushshaq tijaretchiler mezkur soda saraydiki tijaritige tayinip, ailisi hem özini qamdap kelgen.
Hökümet dairiliri rabiye qadir soda sariyidiki tijaretchilerni mezkur soda sarayning udul teripige jaylashqan xitaylar teripidin qurulup 6 yildin béri sétilmay quruq turghan jin xé binasigha köchürüshni pilanlighan bolup, hökümet terep rabiye qadir soda sariyidiki dukandarlarning dukanlirining her bir kwadratmétirigha 15 ming yüendin bermekchi bolghan hemde buninggha razi bolmighanlargha héchnéme bérilmeydu dep bésim ishlitiwatqan iken.
Emeliyette bu dukanlarning hazirqi bazar bahasi her bir kwadratmétirigha 80 ming yüendin 100 ming yüengiche bolup, xitay dairilirining héchqandaq chüshendürüsh bermeyla sodigerlerni rabiye qadir soda sariyidin köchüshke qistishi shundaqla muwapiq heqmu bérilmey éghir ziyangha uchritishi sodigerlerde küchlük naraziliq keypiyati qozghighan.
Xitay dairiliri amérikida yashawatqan uyghur milliy herikiti rehbiri rabiye qadirni 5 - Iyul weqesini pilanlighuchi dep körsetkendin bashlap, rabiye qadir xanimning ürümchidiki perzentliri hem uruq - Tughqanlirigha yenimu qattiq bésim ishlitishke bashlighan, hetta rabiye qadir soda sariyini chéqishtin bashqa, eqide soda sariyi hemde rabiye qadir aililikler binasinimu birlikte tüzlimekchi bolghan, nöüwette rabiye qadirning ürümchide turushluq aile ezaliri öz öyliridin köchüshke buyrulghan.
Rabiye soda sariyining chéqilishi mezkur soda sarayni bina qilghuchi, heqiqiy igidari bolghan rabiye qadir üchün rabiye qadir ailisining igilikining xitay hökümiti teripidin pütünley weyran qilinishidin dérek béridu. Halbuki xitayning türlük rohiy hem iqtisadiy, siyasiy bésimlirigha berdashliq bérip kéliwatqan uyghur milliy herikiti rehbiri, qabiliyetlik igilik tikligüchi rabiye qadir xanim soda sarayning chéqilidighanliqi heqqidiki xewerni anglighinida, yenila saraydiki ikki mingdin artuq sodigerning yillardin jughlighan iqtisadi, bu jayda yaratqan igiliki hem hayati pütünley weyran qilinidighanliqi özini eng biaram qiliwatqan mesile ikenlikini bildürdi.
Ziyaritimizni qobul qilghan bezi sodigerler, "nöwette rabiye qadir soda sariyidiki ikki mingdin artuq sodiger hem dukandarlarning naraziliq keypiyati intayin yuqiri, eger xitay dairiliri mezkur mesilide yenila adil bolmay peqet bésim siyasiti arqiliqla sodigerlerning menpeetige yenimu éghir ziyanlar sélishqa urunidiken, u chaghda xitay hökümiti özi 5 - Iyul ürümchi weqesige oxshash yene bir qétimliq weqeni keltürüp chiqirishi mumkin," dep agahlandurmaqta.
Menbe: http://www.rfa.org/uyghur/xewerler/tepsili_xewer/rabiye-soda-sariyi-cheqilmaqchi-08272009184517.html/story_main?encoding=latin
Muxbirimiz Erkin
Amérikidiki alimlar maymunlarning géni üstide tejiribe élip bérip, érsiyet késili bar bir ana maymun we bir saghlam ana maymundin ayriwalghan gén matériyalidin saghlam maymunlarni peyda qildi. Alimlar, bu ilmiy tetqiqat netijisi ademlerge tedbiqlansa érsiyet késili bar ayallargha saghlam bala tughush imkaniyti yaritip béridu, dep qarimaqta.

http://ties.ohsu.edu/ Din élindi.
Doktor shöhret mutellipofning DNA tetqiqatidin pexirlengen origan shitatliq saghliq we ilim-Pen uniwérsitétidiki oqutquchilar doktor shöhret mutellipow bilen birge.
Mezkur tetqiqat netijisi amérika orégan sehiye we penler uniwérsitétining tetqiqatchisi shöhret mutellipof bashchiliqidiki bir tetqiqat guruppisi teripidin bayqalghan. Bu munasiwet bilen, alim shöhret mutellipofni ziyaret qilduq.
Shöhret mutellipof yitekchilikidiki gén tetqiqat guruppisining ilmiy tejiribe netijisi engiliyidiki "tebiet" ilmiy zhurnilida élan qilindi. Alimlar bu tetqiqat netijisini érsiyet késili bar ayallarning késellikni érsiyet yoli bilen perzentlirige qaldurushining alidini élip, saghlam bala tughushigha imkaniyet yaritidighan ghol hujeyre tetqiqat sahesidiki zor bayqash, dep qarashmaqta.
Lékin shuning bilen birge bu tetqiqat netijisi qanuni, exlaqiy we ijtimai mesililerge ait bezi soallarni peyda qilghan. Bu munasiwet bilen doktor shöhret mutellipof mezkur tetqiqat netijisi heqqidiki suallirimizgha jawab berdi.
Yuqiridiki awaz ulinishidin, bu heqtiki melumatimizning tepsilatini anglaysiler.
Menbe: http://www.rfa.org/uyghur/xewerler/tepsili_xewer/shohret-mutellip-tetqiqati-08272009184513.html/story_main?encoding=latin
Muxbirimiz Ekrem

Youtube Din élinghan bu sürette, 7 - Iyul küni, ürümchidiki xitay puqralirining xitay armiyisining hémayisi astida uyghurlarni kaltek - Chomaqlar bilen urup, öltürüp, insan qélipidin chiqqan wehshilikliridin bir körünüsh.
Uyghurlar bolsa, xitayning "ishik - Derizini taqiwélip dumbalash" zulmigha uchrimaqta. Qanliq qirghin we qéyin - Qistaqlarning izliri öchürülmekte. Bundaq bir weziyette, muhajirettiki uyghur siyasiy dewasining nishani néme bolushi kérek?
Bu heqte d u q bash katipi dolqun eysa bilen élip barghan söhbitimizni déqqitinglargha sunimiz.
Yuqiridiki awaz ulinishidin, bu heqtiki melumatimizning tepsilatini anglaysiler.
Muxbirimiz Erkin Tarim

Cheteldiki uyghurlarmu wetinidiki uruq - Tughqanliri bilen alaqe ornitalmighachqa ulardin ensirimekte. Cheteldiki xitay elchilikliri ürümchi weqesi heqqide s d pilastinkilarni ishlep tarqitiwatqan bolsimu, chetelde paaliyet élip bériwatqan sherqiy türkistan ammiwi teshkilat mesulliri we cheteldiki uyghurlar bu pilastinkidiki körünüshlerning oydurma yaki bir tereplime ikenlikini ilgiri sürmekte.
Xitay ölkilirining biride yashawatqan bir uyghur radiomizning enqere ishxanisigha téléfon qilip guangdung ölkisining shawgüen shehiride yüz bergen uyghur ishchilar bilen xitay ishchilar otturisidiki toqunush we 5 - Iyul ürümchi weqesi heqqide igiligen yéngi melumatlarni biz bilen ortaqlashti.
Yuqiridiki awaz ulinishidin, bu heqtiki melumatimizning dawamini anglaysiler.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
08/25/2009 Pressemitteilungen
Zur sofortigen Veröffentlichung
25. August 2009, 2:45 pm EST
Kontakt: Uiguren American Association +1 (202) 349 1496
Die Uiguren American Association (UAA) der Auffassung, dass die chinesische Regierung widersprüchliche Aussagen über die Details der Studien für die Uiguren im Zuge der Unruhen in Urumtschi am 5. Juli inhaftiert 2009 deuten auf eine mangelnde Transparenz rund um Straf-und Gerichtsverfahren, sowie ein Verfahren getrieben von politischen Motivationen.
Die staatlich kontrollierte China Daily angegeben in einem Bericht am 24. August 2009 veröffentlichten Studien, die von mehr als 200 Menschen über die Unruhen in der regionalen Hauptstadt Ost-Turkestan von Urumtschi festgehalten in dieser Woche beginnen. Der Bericht, der später von der Website des China Daily entzogen (siehe unten für den vollständigen Text des Berichts), enthielt eine Reihe von Besonderheiten auf Aspekte der Fälle, jedoch in einer Erklärung, Li Hua, ein Beamter drücken Sie die Landesregierung, Büro , sagte [i], dass keine Daten haben für die Versuche angeordnet worden ist. Herr Li fügte hinzu, dass die Anzahl der Versuche auf 83 gesetzt ist und nicht bei 200, wie von der China Daily erklärte. LF behauptet, daß diese Widersprüche zu erhöhen nur die Skepsis, mit der diese Prüfungen, die von der internationalen Gemeinschaft angesehen werden sollte.
Viele Einzelheiten über den strafrechtlichen und gerichtlichen Verfahren in den Fällen, wie berichtet von der China Daily werden in Berichten, die aus Ost-Turkestan bestritten, indem bis zur Bahre Zweifel an der offiziellen Buchführung der unterschiedlichen Inhaftierungen und das bevorstehende Prüfungen.
Die Tageszeitung China Daily Bericht heißt, dass die Polizei 718 Personen im Zusammenhang mit den Unruhen festgenommen wurden und die Polizei haben 3318 Beweismittel versammelt, um bei den Prozessen eingesetzt werden, die bei Hofe Urumtschi Intermediate People's stattfinden wird. Die Zahl von 718 Festnahmen wurde sowohl in offiziellen chinesischen Quellen und westlichen Medien Quellen widersprochen. Erstens, in einem 2. August 2009 Bericht [ii] von der New York Times unter Berufung auf die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua, in dem es heißt, dass die chinesischen Behörden öffentlich haben über 2000 Menschen zugelassen wurden festgenommen, und zweitens, in einem 19. Juli 2009 Financial Times-Bericht [iii], welche Details die Inhaftierung von mehr als 4.000 Uiguren. LF hat über unbestätigte Berichte von Uiguren, die vor kurzem gelungen ist, zu verlassen Ost-Turkestan, dass die Zahl der Uiguren Festnahmen höher sein als die Zahl vorgeschlagen, von der Financial Times erfahren kann. Diese Berichte bleiben unbestätigten Informationen wegen der Verdunkelung, die im Ort bleibt, in Ost-Turkestan, beeinträchtigen Internet und drahtlose Kommunikation.
Weitere unbestätigten Informationen erhalten LF zeigt auch, dass Uiguren Häftlinge schwere Schläge auf den Händen der chinesischen strafrechtlichen Behörden, die in einigen Fällen erhalten haben, führten zu Todesfällen [iv]. Die Informationen Quelle fügte hinzu, dass es Fälle von Inhaftierten, die Uiguren Schläge erhalten so schwerwiegend, dass während der Haft nach ihrer Entlassung hatte sie als Folge ihrer Verletzungen gestorben. Familienangehörige von Uiguren Gefangenen nicht in der Lage zu bestätigen, ob ihre Angehörigen noch am Leben sind, wie die chinesischen Behörden, die gegen chinesische Gesetze, wurden nicht bekannt gegeben Lage der Uiguren in Gewahrsam. LF der Auffassung, dass die Schläge Nummer eins gut dokumentierten chinesische Regierung Anwendung von Folter, um Geständnisse zu erpressen, und dass die 3318 von Beweisen von der chinesischen Polizei zusammen, um alle Konfessionen Support muss in Frage gestellt werden.
LF ist auch besorgt darüber, dass die Ergebnisse dieser Studien haben vor ihrem Beginn bestimmt worden ist, und dienen als Werkzeug, um chinesische Regierung Uiguren einzuschüchtern und friedliche Uiguren Dissens zu beseitigen. LF macht geltend, dass der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas Politiker und nicht die Rechtsordnung haben den Grundstein für das Ergebnis dieser Prüfungen durch ihre öffentlichen Äußerungen über die Strenge, mit der Strafe verzichtet werden sollte festgelegt. Auf einer Pressekonferenz [v] am 8. Juli 2009, angegeben Urumtschi Sekretär der Kommunistischen Partei Li Zhi die geplante Anwendung der Todesstrafe gegen die von den schwersten Vergehen mit der Feststellung "verurteilt [t] o diejenigen, die Verbrechen mit grausamen Mitteln begangen haben, wir werden sie ausführen. "
Darüber hinaus zeigt die Zuordnung von Rechtsanwälten durch die chinesischen Behörden auf, den Angeklagten durch die China Daily berichtet, dass Todesurteile kann ermittelt worden sein, bevor eine Studie beginnt. Eine 2006 Studie des Great Britain China Center, der Chinesischen Akademie für Sozialwissenschaften und das Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht durchgeführte Untersuchung ergab, dass "[d] ie Defence Council, einen Fall ist ziemlich spät im Strafverfahren zugeordnet. Im Allgemeinen dauert Zuordnung statt, nachdem der Beklagte gestanden hat und nach der Untersuchung ist abgeschlossen. Capital Fälle sind schnell durch die Strafjustiz verarbeitet, so dass nicht viel Platz zum Entfalten effektive Strafverteidigung. Todesstrafe Verfahren sind in einem rasanten Tempo durchgeführt werden. "[Vi]
In einer Erklärung, Uiguren Demokratie Führer, Frau Rebiya Kadeer, sagte: "Die chinesische Regierung Widersprüche in den Studien der Uiguren in der Urumtschi Unruhen inhaftiert sind sehr ernster Sorge Anlass. Wenn diese Studien go ahead sie weder offen, noch fair. Die Verfahren in diesen Fällen wurden von Anfang an gegen China und seine eigenen Gesetze zu fehlerhaft. Die einzigen Berichte, die auf der Straf-und Gerichtsverfahren für die Inhaftierten entstanden sind, haben von der chinesischen Regierung Quellen, die nicht das Schlagen erwähnen, manchmal bis zum Tod, der Uiguren in der Haft - eine Routine weit verbreitete Praxis von Menschenrechtsgruppen dokumentiert, wie kommen Amnesty International. "
LF hat auch unbestätigten Berichten, die Hinrichtung von Uiguren bereits stattgefunden haben gelernt. Nach Herkunft der Informationen, Gerichtsverfahren und Hinrichtungen von Uiguren Köpfe 'der Ereignisse in Urumtschi wurden von den chinesischen Behörden bei der raschen Vergeltung für die Unruhen geführt. Die Prozesse und Hinrichtungen fand am 8. und 9. Juli 2009, zwei Tage nach den Unruhen begann, als Einwohner von Urumtschi waren gezwungen, in ihren Häusern durch die chinesischen Behörden bleiben.
LF fordert die internationalen Medien auf die Frage Berichten der offiziellen chinesischen Medien als Inhalt erzeugt wird oft politisch motiviert und nicht überprüft werden kann durch die chinesische Regierung das Monopol der Information und der Kommunikation Stromausfall in Ost-Turkestan.
LF warnt die internationale Gemeinschaft, insbesondere der Vereinigten Staaten, der Vereinten Nationen, die Europäische Union und muslimischen Nationen, in die anhaltende Instabilität in Ost-Turkestan Fürsprache noch verschärft durch die chinesischen Behörden nicht "transparente Gerichtsverfahren. LF unterstreicht die Schwere der Ost-Turkestan Frage wegen des Fehlens der chinesischen Regierung Selbst-Untersuchung der Ursachen der Urumtschi Unruhe unter den Uiguren. LF fordert außerdem die internationale Gemeinschaft auf die Zusicherung von der chinesischen Regierung, dass sie aufhören, ihre Verhaftung zu suchen, Folter und Tötung von Menschen Uiguren aus politischen Gründen. LF empfiehlt, dass die chinesische Regierung die Verhandlungen mit den Uiguren World Kongress Uiguren Beschwerden in ein offener, fairer und gerechter Weise gelöst werden soll.
Quelle:http://www.uyghuramerican.org//articles/3544/1/Chinese-government-confusion-over-trials-in-East-Turkestan-hints-at-politicized-criminal-and-judicial-procedures-for-Uyghur -Urumchi-unrest-suspects/index.html
Eingestellt von Uyghuristan um 23:00
Bericht: 200 bis Go on Trial Nach Uyghuristan Riots
-Chinesischen staatlichen Medien sagen, 200 bis vor Gericht wegen Beteiligung an tödlichen Unruhen Xinjiang (Archip go)
BEIJING 23. August 2009 (AP)
Mehr als 200 Personen werden erwartet, um vor Gericht zu gehen in dieser Woche für ihr Engagement in konfessionellen Unruhen im letzten Monat, dass fast 200 Menschen in Ost-Region Xinjiang in China, eine staatliche Zeitung getötet gemeldet Montag.
Die Versuche werden in Urumqi treffen, der Hauptstadt von Xinjiang und den Ort der schlimmsten ethnischen Gewalt in China seit Jahrzehnten, in denen weitere 1.700 Menschen wurden verletzt, berichtete die China Daily. Die Unruhen ausgespielt türkischsprachigen muslimischen Uiguren gegen Mitglieder einer marktbeherrschenden Han China ethnische Gruppe.
Seit den Unruhen, sagt die Regierung das Leben sich weitgehend normalisiert in die Stadt zurückgekehrt, obwohl Beamten der erneute Ausbruch von Gewalt wachsam bleiben.
Die Zeitung berichtete, letzte Woche, dass mehr als 3.300 Produkten der physische Beweise gesammelt worden, darunter Steine und Clubs mit Blut befleckt. Die Beweise enthalten 91 Video-Clips und 2169 Fotografien, hieß es.
Die meisten Verhaftungen in Urumqi und Kashgar, einer Stadt in Süd-Xinjiang mit eine starke Konzentration der Uiguren aus, zitiert die Zeitung ein nicht ermitteltes Urumqi Staatsanwaltschaft mit den Worten.
Die Gebühren reichen von Vandalismus öffentliches Eigentum zum Mord, sagte der China Daily.
Obwohl die Sicherheit in Urumqi ist bereits hoch, "ist eine drastische Erhöhung der Sicherheit in der ganzen Stadt erwartet", sagte der Zeitung, vor allem rund um den Hof Urumqi Intermediate People's. Bewaffnete Polizisten führen schon Rund-um-die-Uhr-Patrouillen in der Umgebung.
Die Zeitung nicht eine Aufschlüsselung, wie viele Uiguren und Han, wie viele würden vor Gericht gehen, aber es sagt mehr als 170 Uiguren und Han 20 Anwälte hatten die Verdächtigen zugeordnet wurde.
Die Tageszeitung China Daily sagte 718 Menschen waren wegen des Verdachts der Teilnahme an den Krawallen festgenommen wurden. In früheren Berichten sagte mindestens 1.600 wurden festgenommen. Es war nicht klar, ob er freigelassen worden.
Die Unruhen ausbrachen 5. Juli, nachdem die Polizei zunächst ein friedlicher Protest nicht mehr von uigurischen Jugendlichen. Uiguren dann zerschlug Fenster, brannten Autos und griffen Han. Zwei Tage später nahm die Han auf den Straßen und in Szene gesetzt Vergeltungsmaßnahmen.
Source: http://www.uyghuramerican.org//articles/3544/1/Chinese-government-confusion-over-trials-in-East-Turkestan-hints-at-politicized-criminal-and-judicial-procedures-for-Uyghur-Urumchi-unrest-suspects/index.html
08/25/2009 Press Releases
For immediate release
August 25, 2009, 2:45 pm EST
Contact: Uyghur American Association +1 (202) 349 1496
The Uyghur American Association (UAA) believes that the Chinese government’s contradictory statements on the details of trials for Uyghurs detained in the wake of unrest in Urumchi on July 5, 2009 indicate an absence of transparency surrounding criminal and judicial procedures, as well as a process driven by political motivations.
The state-controlled China Daily indicated in a report issued on August 24, 2009 that trials of more than 200 people detained over the unrest in East Turkestan’s regional capital of Urumchi would begin this week. The report, later withdrawn from the China Daily’s website (see below for the full text of the report), contained a number of specifics on aspects of the cases; however, in a statement, Li Hua, an official from the regional government’s press office, said[i] that no dates have been arranged for the trials. Mr. Li added that the number of trials is set at 83 and not at 200 as stated by the China Daily. UAA asserts that these contradictions only increase the skepticism with which these trials should be viewed by the international community.
Many of the details on the criminal and judicial procedures in the cases as reported by the China Daily are contested in reports emerging from East Turkestan, adding to grave doubts regarding the divergent official accounts of detentions and impending trials.
The China Daily report stated that police have detained 718 people in connection with the unrest and that police have gathered 3,318 items of evidence to be used at the trials, which will be held at Urumchi Intermediate People’s Court. The figure of 718 detentions has been contradicted in both official Chinese sources and western media sources. Firstly, in an August 2, 2009 report[ii] from the New York Times, citing the official Xinhua News Agency, which states that Chinese authorities have publicly admitted over 2,000 people have been detained, and secondly, in a July 19, 2009 Financial Times report[iii], which details the detention of over 4,000 Uyghurs. UAA has learned via unconfirmed reports from Uyghurs who have recently managed to leave East Turkestan that the number of Uyghur detentions may be higher than the number suggested by the Financial Times. These reports remain unconfirmed due to the information blackout, which remains in place in East Turkestan, affecting internet and wireless communications.
Further unconfirmed information received by UAA also indicates that Uyghur detainees have received severe beatings at the hands of Chinese penal authorities, which have in some cases resulted in deaths[iv]. The information source added that there were instances of Uyghur detainees who had received beatings so severe while in detention that after their release they had died as a result of their injuries. Family members of Uyghur detainees have not been able to confirm if their relatives are still alive as Chinese authorities, in contravention of Chinese law, are not disclosing the location of Uyghurs in detention. UAA believes that the beatings point to a well-documented Chinese government use of torture to extract confessions and that the 3,318 items of evidence gathered by Chinese police to support any confessions must be brought into question.
UAA is also concerned that the outcome of these trials have been determined before their commencement, and serve as a Chinese government tool to intimidate Uyghurs and eliminate peaceful Uyghur dissent. UAA contends that Chinese Communist Party politicians and not the legal system have laid the groundwork for the outcome of these trials through their public comments on the severity with which punishment should be dispensed. At a news conference[v] on July 8, 2009, Urumchi Communist Party Secretary Li Zhi indicated the planned use of capital punishment against those convicted of the most serious offenses by stating “[t]o those who have committed crimes with cruel means, we will execute them.”
In addition, the assignment of lawyers by Chinese authorities to the accused as reported by the China Daily indicates that death sentences may have been determined before any trial begins. A 2006 study conducted by the Great Britain China Center, the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences and the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law found that “[t]he defence council is assigned to a case rather late in criminal proceedings. In general, assignment takes place after the defendant has confessed and after investigation has been finalized. Capital cases are processed rapidly through the criminal justice system, leaving not much room for unfolding effective criminal defence. Death penalty proceedings are carried out at a rapid pace.”[vi]
In a statement, Uyghur democracy leader, Ms. Rebiya Kadeer, said: “The Chinese government contradictions over the trials of Uyghurs detained in the Urumchi unrest are cause for grave concern. When these trials go ahead they will neither be open, nor fair. The procedures in these cases have been flawed from the very beginning and contravene China’s own laws. The only reports that have emerged on the criminal and judicial process for detainees have come from Chinese government sources, which do not mention the beating, sometimes to death, of Uyghurs while in custody – a routine practice well-documented by human rights groups such as Amnesty International.”
UAA has also learned from unconfirmed reports that executions of Uyghurs have already taken place. According to the information source, summary trials and executions of Uyghur ‘masterminds’ of the events in Urumchi were conducted by Chinese authorities in swift retribution for the unrest. The trials and executions took place on July 8 and 9, 2009, two days after the unrest began, when residents of Urumchi were compelled to remain inside their homes by Chinese authorities.
UAA urges the international media to question reports produced by the official Chinese media as the content is often politically motivated and cannot be verified due to the Chinese government monopoly of information and the communications blackout in East Turkestan.
UAA cautions the international community, especially the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Muslim nations, to intercede in the continuing instability in East Turkestan exacerbated by the Chinese authorities’ non-transparent judicial procedures. UAA emphasizes the gravity of the East Turkestan issue due to the absence of Chinese government self-examination as to the root causes of the Urumchi unrest among Uyghurs. UAA also urges the international community to seek an assurance from the Chinese government that it cease its arrest, torture and killing of Uyghur people on political grounds. UAA recommends that the Chinese government seek negotiations with the World Uyghur Congress to address Uyghur grievances in an open, fair and equitable manner.
Link List-1
- Amnesty International
- Eastturkistan Goverinment In Exile
- Free Eastturkistan
- Free Ostturkistan
- Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker
- Google News
- Gérmanche Ügününg-1
- Gérmanche Ügününg-2
- Küresh Küsen Torturasi!
- Norwegiye Uyghur Kommetiti
- Radio Free Europa
- The Amnesty in USA
- The History Of Uyghur People
- The News of BBC
- The Origin Of Uyghur
- Uyghuristan Torturaliri
- Uyghuristangha Azatliq
- Wellt Uyghur Congress
- Wetinim Uyghur Munberi
Link list-2
- Deutsche Welle
- Deutschen Literatur Haus
- Die Berumte Dichter in Deutschland
- Dr.Alimjan Torturasi
- Frankfurter Rundschau
- Free the Word! 2010 Festival of World Literature
- Ghayip Dunya
- Habercininyeri
- International Pen
- International Pen Uyghur Center
- Liebe Gedicht von Deutschen
- Maariponline.org
- Meripet
- My English Teacher and Uyghur Artist
- Nobelprize Org
- Peace and Liberty for Eastturkistan
- Radio Free Asia
- Religion
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- The Religion Of Islam
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Blog Archive
- UN urges 'humane treatment' for Tibet, Xinjiang de...
- “Der Völkermord an den Uiguren in Ostturkistan” ...
- 5 - Iyul Ürümchi Weqesi Iraq Parlaménti Kün Tertip...
- Ishpiyon Gumandari Babur Mexsut Heqqide Yene Sot É...
- Cheteldiki Bir Uyghurning Weten Ziyaritide Körgenl...
- Chetel Metbuatliri Xu jintawning Tuyuqsiz Ziyariti...
- Xitay Dairiliri Rabiye Qadir Soda Sariyini Chéqip ...
- Shöhret Mutellipofning Yéngi Tetqiqat NetijisiMuxb...
- Sherqiy Türkistan Xelqining Heqiqi Arzu - Ümidliri...
- Radiomizgha Téléfon Qilghan Bir Uyghurning Shawgue...
- Chinesische Regierung Verwirrung über Studien in O...
- Chinese government confusion over trials in East T...
- Report: 200 to Go on Trial After Uyghuristan Riot...
- Most China Transplants From Dead PrisonersAFP 27 A...
- Chinese President Visits Restive Uyghuristan AP 26...
- Radiomizgha Téléfon Qilghan Bir Uyghurning Shawgue...
- 'Xitaydiki Kishilik Hoquq Aktiplirining Arqisida O...
- 'Uyghurbiz' Tor Békitining Bashqurghuchisi Muhemme...
- Mawzusiz(Nesir)Aptori: YopurmaqYazghuchi kitapqa b...
- 'Sherqiy Türkistan Mesilisi Xitay Bilen Munasiwet ...
- Ürümchidin Kelgen Bir Uyghur Ziyaliysning Éytqanli...
- “5- Iyul Ürümchi Qanliq Qetliami” heqqide Rapor ...
- Confusion over Uyghuristan (NotXinjiang) trialsThe...
- Ürümchi Rabiye Soda Sariyining Weziyiti Jiddi Weti...
- China needs new policies after Uyghuristan/Xinjian...
- Dunya Islam Birligi: Ürümchi Weqesini Asasliqi Uyg...
- DUQ Obamaning Uyghur Weziyitige Köngül Bölüshini T...
- Uyghur Naxshichisi Mirzat Alim Sirliq Halda Öltürü...
- Xelqara Ölchemde Her Qandaq Bir Kishining Gunahkar...
- Sherqitürkistan Birliki Teshkilatining Ikkinchi Nö...
- Family members of Rebiya Kadeer ordered out of Uru...
- Uyghurlarning Awazigha Qulaq Salghan Gézit Xitayla...
- Ürümchi Shehiridiki Yaqa Yurtluq Uyghurlarning Öyl...
- It Talashturush Aditidin Uyghurlarning Meniwiyitig...
- Uyghurs swept up in mass detentions as Chinese gov...
- Unrest in East Turkestan: What China is Not Tellin...
- Sherqitürkistan Birliki Teshkilatining Ikkinchi Nö...
- Annual ReportsSource: http://tb.ohchr.org/default....
- International Convention on the Elimination of All...
- Implementation of the Convention on the Eliminati...
- UN Expert Body Wraps Up Dialogue with China on Ant...
- UN panel questions China on ethnic discriminationA...
- Uighurs Must Fight For National Rights 08/12/2009 ...
- ‘Wave of Immense Suppression’ in Xinjiang, Says U....
- ' Ürümchi Weqeside On Ming Adem Iz - Déreksiz Ghay...
- 5 - Iyul Ürümchi Weqesige Ait Körgezme Netije Kör...
- China Using Stickers To Quell TensionBy Calum MacL...
- «Uyghur Helq'araliq Ilim-Pen Aqartish We Hemkarliq...
- Afghan plane to Urumchi lands in Kandahar city Ar...
- Kyrgyzstan Uighur leaders detained after protestMo...
- Tatar Milli Meclisi’nin Doğu Türkistan Olayları İl...
- China-bound plane lands in Afghanistan after repor...
- Paperwork turns back China-bound Afghan flight 09 ...
- Chinese State Media Say Bomb Threat Diverts Plane ...
- China Says Plane Diverted To Afghanistan By Threat...
- Bomb Threat On Plane Bound For Chinese Province Ro...
- China Reports Bomb Threat on PlaneUpdated: Sunday,...
- Ilham Mexmut Uyghurlarningmu Atom Bombining Ziyank...
- B D T Binasi Aldida Xitaygha Qarshi Namayish Ötküz...
- Awstraliyidiki Uyghurlar Rabiye Xanimning Bashchil...
- Sharon Hom : 'Xitay, Ürümchi Weqesige Alaqidar Mes...
- Wang lishiyüng: Uyghur Mesilisi Heqqide OylinishMu...
- Istanbulda Wang léchüen Qatarliq 9 Neper Xitay Eme...
- Uyghuristan Mesiliside Yéngiche Teppekur Hem Chong...
- Xitayning Shangxey 6 Ramkisi Astida Élip Bériwatqa...
- ' 5 - Iyul Ürümchi Qanliq Weqesi' din Kéyinki Uygh...
- Güentanamodiki Bir Qisim Uyghurlar Palaw Ariligha ...
- The Discovery of the Uyghurs Henryk Szadziewski ...
- Chinese Prosecutors say 83 to Face Charges Over Xi...
- Xitay Hökümitining ' 5 - Iyul Ürümchi Qanliq Weqe...
- Bezi Xitay Öktichilirining 5 - Iyul Ürümchi Weqe...
- Xitayning Shangxey 6 Ramkisi Astida Élip Bériwatqa...
- 'We're all Melburnians': Uighur leader controversy...
- Newyorktiki Kishilik Hoquq Tetqiqatchisi Xé Chingl...
- China Summons Aussie Ambassador Over Uighur VisitB...
- China says it holds 718 in Uyghuristan (noXinjiang...
- Sherqiturkistan Birliki Teshkilatining Bayanati ...
- Qurtulush Yoli (Qisqartilmisi) Uyghur Tékin Nu...
- Ürümchi Weqesining Heqiqiy Sewebliri ToghrisidaMux...
- Uyghurlar Yürek Sözlirini Kimge Dewatidu ?Muxbirim...
- Yaponiyining 3 Chong Shehride Xitay Atom Sinaqliri...
- Xitay, Rabiye Qadir Xanimning Aile - Tawabatini Ra...
- Xitay Yene 319 Ademning Tutqun Qilinghanliqini Éla...
- Ürümchi Qirghinchiliqining Asasliq Qurbanliri Kiml...
- China arrests 82 suspected terrorists in far-weste...
- Chinese leader stresses ethnic unity to minorities...
- China: Suspected Terrorist Attack Kills 16 Police ...
- China Says Foiled Xinjiang 'Terrorist Attacks': St...
- Ürümchi Qirghinchiliqi We Uyghurlarning Kelgüsi-2 ...
- China holds 319 in Uyghuristan (NoXinjiang) over J...
- More US troops die in Afghanistan-Of the 74 foreig...