Huns, Hsiung-nu, Hiung-nu, Xiong Nu, Khuni, Chuni, Suni, Sunni, Hunny, Gunny, Uygurs, [Uange, Bugu/Pugu, Bayegu/Baiyrku, Tunlo/Tongra, Sygye (Uygur tribes)], Seyanto (Sir + Yanto), Kibi, Tele/Dubo/Tubalar/Dabo, Guligan/Kurykan (Yakuts), Dolange (Telengits), Husye, Higye, Adye/Eduz, Baysi/Barsil, and other variations
Time Events
1766 BC
Eventually recorded Chinese traditions tell of Kia, 17th member of old Chinese Hia dynasty, dethroned due to evil ways. His son Sunni went with 500 members of his Hia nationality to Hun relatives. Hia still has many common words with Altaic languages
1766 BC
Oldest Turkic words are in Chinese annual chronicles noting cultural and political events. Hun (Hsiung-nu) words tanry, kut, byoryu, ordu, tug, kylych etc are oldest monuments of Turkish language. State rulers’ endoethnonym is Hun, Turkic "man, male, people"
1750 BC
Hammurabi empire lasts for another one hundred and fifty years, until 1600, when the Kassites (Kas= mountain), a non-semetic people, conquer most of Mesopotamia with the help of light chariot warfare
1390 BC
First elements of Hun state in highlands of Ordos
1200 BC
First Hun state in highlands of Ordos
800 BC
Sword myths traditions are all early Anatolian, are also found in Hun and Magyar traditions and mentioned by Herodotus amongst early Scythians
685 BC
685 - 643 BC Rule in Tsi of Huan - hun
679 BC
679 BC Huan - hun organizes a congress of rulers inTsi, taking that right from Chjou
659 BC
659 - 621 Rule of Mu-hun in Tsin
500 BC
Persepolis inscription text is "Darius Hystapes (522-486) rex popularum bonorum posui. Hi adorationem igni mihi attulere: Choana, Media, Babilon, Asyria, Guthrata, Armenia, Cappadocia, Sapardia [Sabir], Hunae [European, Caucasian ?]."
318 BC
First historical document connected with Huns is Chinese-Hun treaty signed in 318 BC
300 BC
In Chinese sources Alans are one of four Hunnish tribes (Xu-la, Lan, Hiu-bu, Siu-lin) most favored by kings of Eastern Huns (Mao-dun/Mete and his son Ki-ok/Kök) of 3rd century B.C.(ToOD 146). ( Turk. alan ‘field’, akin to 'fieldman', 'polyane', 'polovets')
300 BC
Earliest occurrence of Parthian name in form of Aparnoi or Parnoi in Turan. According to Armenian historians who served Armenian dynasty of Parthian origin, Parthian Arsac who founded dynasty was of white Hun (Ephtalite) origin
246 BC
Cheng (246-?) of T'sin dynasty, in twenty-sixth year of his reign assumed title of Shi Hwang-ti (first universal emperor), from then on, Chaina sovereign called Wang. Cheng consolidated 4 feudal states into China, and divided empire into thirty-six kiun
246 BC
Cheng (246-?) of T'sin dynasty built great wall of China (Wan-li-ch'ang-ch'eng, or wall ten thousand lis long), which extends from Chi-li to Kan-su, to stop incursions of Huns (Hiung-nu)
290 BC
Hun state consists of 24 clans, some of them: Kuyan (Jack rabbit) Lan (Orchard) Suybu (West Tribe) Suylyanti Tsulin Taychi Uyti Tsetszuy…
290 BC
Hun state leader is titled Great Shanyuy - "Chenli gydu shanyuy" - "Son of endless sky" Succession is from father to eldest son
230 BC
Touman (Tumen, 240 - 210 BC), of clan Suylyanti with a bull totem establishes Hunnic Empire
214 BC
Chinese ruler Si Huang Ti (259-210 BC) builds Great Chinese Wall against attacks of Huns
209 BC
Touman died (Tumen, 240 - 209 BC), accession to throne of Maotun (Batur, 210 - 174 BC), founder of Hun Empire. Expansion of Hun Empire
204 BC
204 B.C - 216 A.D
Area - At north, Siberia; south, Tibet - Kashmir; east, Pacific Ocean; west, Caspian Sea; (Total Area - 18,000,000 Km 2)
Founder - Mete (Bagatir, Maotun, Batur)
200 BC
Emergence of Huns on western borders of China
177 BC
Mete Khan (Maotun) letter to Chinese government describes that 26 nations are in Turkish sate and all of them became "nations stretching bow-string", or Huns
174 BC
Kok-khan (174-161 BC), Huns attack Tocharians (Yüeh-chih), driving them from Gansu
174 BC
Nomadic Yu-chi, a powerful force west of China, attacked and defeated by Huns and driven west, into Sogdia (K'ang-chu), from where they invade Bactria (Ta-hsia). Strabo 11.8.2 names them Asii, Pasiani, Tochari, and Sacarauli
150 BC
Rise of Hun Empire's puts pressure on territory of Iran dislodging many Scythian nations who were pushed west, including Saka-Uraka whose kings' title was Makar
141 BC
141-128 BC Tochars (Yüeh-chih), fleeing from Huns, overrun Greco-Bactrian kingdom, which is renamed Tocharistan
121 BC
Chinese, under General Ho Chu-ping, defeat Huns
60 BC
Hou Han Shu 96A.10b: Huns defeated Great Yüeh-chih, who went west, became rulers of Baktria, and Sai king (wang) went southwards and became ruler(s) of Chi-pin, forming several kingdoms (Asses dynasties?) NW of Kashgar (Su-le): Hsiu-hsiin and Yilan-tu
56 BC
First split of Hun Empire into Western and Eastern branches Qoghoshar (Khukheniy I) (56 - 36 BC)
50 BC
Dionisios Periegetos: Already in 1-st century BC, (European, Caucasian ?) Huns dominate over all Caspian lands
48 BC
48 BC - 216 A.D
Founder – Panu
Area - area over present Central Asia
Western (Nothern) Huns suffer a major defeat from Mongols (Hsien-pi) and start westward migration (93-c.380)
Dionysius Periegetes (the guide) Orbis terrae descriptio map showing (European, Caucasian ?) Huns (Unni), Caspii, Massagets (on opposite bank of Itil from Huns), Sacii, Alani, Scyths, Hyrcanii, Sarmats, Taurii
Dionisus Periegetes (end of 1st - beginning of 2nd c.) maps and talks that on Northwestern side of Caspian sea live Scythians, Uns, Caspians, Albanians, and Kaduses, of Huns living next to Caspian Sea Sak (Gr. Sacae)=Turkco-Persian saka=water carrier
(European) Huns living next to Dnieper in Eastern Europe. Ptolemaus Claudius geographer, B.3 Ch.5 calls them Khuni (Chuni) and Suni. (Khuni is clan/national designation while Suni is probably from Senyu, their ruler)
Ptolemy (83?-161? AD) writes that in European Sarmatia ‘below Agathyrsi (Akatsirs, Türk. agach ers ‘forest people’) live Savari (Türkic Suvars), between Basternae and Rhoxolani (Türk. Uraksy Alans, i.e. ‘Alans-farmers’) live (European) Huns
Burial rite of Scythians and Huns is strikingly uniform: same barrows, burial frames of logs and thick timbers, burial blocks, sacrificial horses etc. Relics of Hun burials are well known in whole space of former Scythian territory: on coast of Black Sea, along Danube (so called Scythia Minor), in Northern Caucasus and other areas
End of Huns as a major power in inner Asia
204 B.C - 216 A.D
Area - At north, Siberia; south, Tibet - Kashmir; east, Pacific Ocean; west, Caspian Sea; (Total Area - 18,000,000 Km 2)
Founder - Mete (Bagatir)
48 - 216 A.D
Founder – Panu
Area - area over present Central Asia
Western Hun Empire separates into 5 successor states (215-290)
Tele (Gaogyuys)
In 60's of 3-rd century, Caucasian Huns served in Persian army of Sasanid Shapur I (241-272)
Unification of China. Hun rebellion is suppressed
A.D Founder - brothers Muncuk, Oktar, Rua & Aybars
Area - S Russia, Romania, N Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria, Chekoslovakia, S& C Germany. From E France to Urals; from N.Hungary to Byzantine Empire (Area - 4,000,000 Km2)
In 90's of 3-rd century, Armenian sources write about Hun wars in Trans-Caucasus (N.Caucasus)
Tele left early Huns Horde, keeping patriarchal relations and nomadic life. They were not Sinadized. They move on steppes on carts with high wheels.
In Chinese annals Gaogyuys – Tele are listed as branch of Huns
Genealogy: Gaogüys =>Tele =>15 tribes =>
1 Uange (Uygurs)
2 Seyanto (Sir + Yanto)
3 Kibi
4 Dubo (Tubalar)(Dabo)(Tele)
5 Guligan (Kurykan)(Yakut)
6 Dolange (Telengits)
7 Bugu (Pugu)(Uygurs)
8 Bayegu (Baiyrku)(Uygurs)
9 Tunlo (Tongra)(Uygurs)
10 Hun
11 Sygye (Uygurs)
12 Husye 13 Higye
14 Adye(Eduz)
15 Baysi (Barsil)
Sirs and Türks live at Ordos
Huns and Syanbinians conquered from China Han Empire northern part and established a sequence of kingdoms. Predominantly Chinese population was led by Hun’s Toba tribe.
Hun's raid eased by rebellion of (Chinese) people against officials
Intrigues of Emperor Huai-di against Sym Yuy. Chinese aliance with Tabgach Khan Ilu against Huns
Hun-Maskuts (Gr. Massagets), together with Sakas, led by king of Massagetae Sanesan invade Armenia in beg. of 4 century (336?) (Tr. Sen-esen=you+storming (man))
Defeat of Sym Yuy. Fall of Loyan, Huns take Chanan
Chinese displace Huns from Chanan
Small Syanbinian tribe with Khans from Muyun family moved from southern Manjuria to west and settled in proximity of lake Kukunor. They fought Tibetans successfully and Tobases unsuccessfully
Syanbinian tribe with Muyun Khans were organized into kingdom Togon and became vassals of Empire Wey
Muyun Khoy becomes Great Shanuy
Tsu Ti dies, and Chinese advance against Huns stopped
China loses lands north of river Huai
First mention of Bulgars, they live in basin of Tanais and Cuban
Türkic names of European Hun rulers
Karaton (kadadon= dress)
Mundjuk, Attila's father (bondjus = bead, tirquose)
Attila (Itil= birthplace, or Ata-il = father of country)
Illek, Attila's son (Il-Ek = country fortress)
Dengizik, Attila's son (Den(g)iz = Sea)
Irnek, Attila's son (=young soldier)
Aibars, Attila's uncle (= bars, lion)
Oktar, Attila's uncle (= )
Ary Kan (aryg-kan = beautiful quinn)
Türkic names of Hun rulers (cont'd)
Agacheri (Forrest people)
Shar (sary - ak, = yellow - white)
Ogur (Ok-gur = ten federates)
Potential link of ruling family with Asian Tankhu (king)
Hun' s avant-garde reached Tanais, displaced Ostgoths, who displaced Visigoths and Sarmats into Roman territory. Death of Constantine the Great leads to formal division into Western and Eastern Roman Empires
Tele tribes subjugated by Tobases Khan. They live west of Ordos
Ügülüy from Syanbinian cavalry organizes a band and joints neighboring nomads
Tele are living of animal husbandry, in a weak confederation of tribes, fighting for their independence
Earliest known European record about Bulgarians is "Anonymous chronograph", a list of tribes and peoples in Latin. He mentiones a certain 'Ziezi ex quo Vulgares'
Huns cross Volga and attacked Alans. Part of Alans retreat to N. Caucasus, part is absorbed in Huns Horde, part retreat to N. Donets. Most likely, after conquest a part of Bulgars joins Huns, and a part remains
In 363, Armenian, Roman and Persian authors write about necessity of fortifying Caucasian passages, especially Derbent passage, against Hun hordes, making repeated raids and campaigns against Persians , Armenians and peoples of Middle East
Goth's invasion of Thrace
Huns defeat Goths (Germans)
Romans hired Hunnic warriors as auxiliary troops and paid them a yearly tribute, partly for services rendered and partly as a bribe to keep them from raiding provinces
Huns were a genetic hybrid between Mongoloid, Altaic (Siberian), and Central Asian Türkic stocks. Typical Hunno-Bulgars probably had a squarish face, high cheekbones, and slanting eyes.
Term 'Bulgar' comes from Türkic 'bulgha' = 'to mix'. These nomadic horsemen groups were mainly composed of As - Ossetians, Eastern Antes - Iranian-Slavic blend, Khazars - a mixed Türkic group, and a people known as Sarmatians, an Iranian group.
Huns defeat Ostrogoths. Death of Germanarix. Vinitari (Vitimir?) becomes new Ostrogothic king. Ostrogoths retire to Lower Dniepr. Geruls and Burgundians part of Ostrogoths
370-376 War between Alans and Goths.
Huns control N. Pontic, Tanais and N. Caspian steppes. Living there Alans join Huns
Guylüchoy, successor to Ügülüy, organized a horde, move along all Khalka to Khingan, subordinated to Tobas Khans, paid tribute in horses, sable and martens.
Guylüchoy life and organization are primitive and organized by regiments of 1000 men. No changes for 200 years. All efforts went to rob neighbors.
2 migrations of Bulgarians from Caucasus to Armenia. 1st during Armenian ruler Vaharshak, immigrants of Vh' ndur Bulgar Vund, lands named Vanand.
Because of expansion of Huns in E European steppes , disturbances ... in land of Bulgars, many of whom migrated and settled south of Kokh, 2nd migration during Armenian ruler Arshak
After crushing, or compelling alliance of, various nations Alpilzuri, Alcidzuri, Himari, Tuncarsi, Boisci, Huns reached Alani, Don Alans crushed by Huns. Part of Alans joins Huns in advance to Europe
Retreating to Dnieper Ostrogoths fight with Ants living there. After a number of battles and defeats, Ostrogoths captured Antian King Boz (Bus, Bog?) and executed him
Jordanes, XLVIII, 249. Battle between Alans under Balamber and Ostrogoths at river Erac (present Tiligul). After death of Vitimir, young Vidirix bacame a King. Alatey and Safrac ruled under his name. Ostrogoths retreated to Dniestr.
Ammianus Marcellinus: After his (Hermanaric) departure, Vitimir was made a King, and resisted Halans for some time… But after many defeats he suffered, he was subdued by arms and died in battle
Huns captured Atilkuzu (Bessarabia). Alans remained in Dacia. Vestgoths and Ostrogoths, defeated by Huns and Alans, retreated to Danube
Vestgoths and Ostrogoths Goths fled from Huns, asked help from Emperor Valens, who allowed them cross Danube to guard borders, and entered Roman Empire. Poor control of crossing, extractions by officials caused rebellion. Rome faced Gothic invasion.
Goths who crossed Danube became Visigoths, and Goths who remained behind and became subjects of Huns were designated Ostrogoths. Ostrogoths who cross Danube joined Vestgoths. Entire Alaric's Visigothic population is estimated to be around 100,000 people
Hunnish-Bolgarian association during period of Hunnish hegemony in Central Europe. Attilla's combat power consists mostly from mounted Bolgarian troops. Attila' dynasty is continued for Bolgars.
A detachment of Huns crossed Kerch straight from Caucasus, displaced Goths in Crimea to center of peninsula, and went to join main army in Dniestr estuary
At a victory celebration Bulümar (360??---378) dies, his son Alyp-bi becomes Khan of Huns (378-390)
Oldest son of Hun's Bulyumar (Balamber) Alyp-bi defeats Sadumians (Scandinavians), crossed Danube and with Visigoths, Ostrogoths and Alans defeats 80K Byzantium army at Andrianopol.
Valens acted alone and engaged a massive Gothic force of estimated 200,000 warriors near Adrianople. Result was a catastrophe, Valens army was completely annihilated, he perished (9 August AD 378). His body was never found
Western (Northern) Huns in westward migration (93-c.380) take possession of lower Don river valley and north of Sea of Azov.
New Roman Emperor Theodosius settles Gothic problem diplomatically. Goths become federates, and Alans move north.
380-395 Alans clear Dacia and Atilkuzu from Vestgoths, Taifals, Gepids, Burgunds and other peoples. Huns went to Pontic steppes.
Creation of Tabgach-Northern Wey Empire
Tele move north, to Djungaria, and spread in West Mongolia to Selenga.
Alyp-bi (378-390) dies, is buried on Kuyantau mountain (current Kiev) under Baltavar stone with ? sign. His son Aybat (Eur. Mundzuk) becomes Khan of Huns (390-434).
Hun campaign in Cis-Caucasus and even raid Syria. Alans, Ostrogoths and Geruls, retreated earlier to Cis-Caucasus, subordinate to Huns
Rebellion of Alarics and Visigoths
In Danube area, evidently, arrived Huns. They killed Byzantian federate Gain, expelled by rebels from Constantinople.
Syanbian language, ancient Mongolian, becomes inter-tribe language for Türk's allied tribes. "Türk" = "strong", "powerful".
Alans and Bulgars live between Itil and Don
In Danube area, evidently, arrived Huns. They killed Byzantian federate Gain, expelled by rebels from Constantinople.
Arab and Persian authors mention town Varachan (Belenjer), capital of Hun state, in Sulak valley near Upper Chir-Ürt in Daghestan. Later authors refer to Balanjar as native land of Khazars.
Ancestors of Khazars among Huns called selves Basils (Bas, head; il/el, people--ruling people)
Ruler of Western Roman Empire Stilihon allied with Huns and Alans, who help Stilihon to fight off attack of German tribes.
New help by Huns and Alans to Stilihon to fight off attack of German tribes (Suewes).
Alans join Vandals in invasion to Gallia (modern France).
Radagais leads Vandals, Suebis, Kuads, Burgonds, Saksons, Almants, is cuptured at Fiesol by Huns under Ulduz (Khagan?) (?-410?), supposedly, ruler of right, eastern wing of Hunish army), allied with Romans, and executed (Aug 406). Vandals cross Rein, retreat to Gaul
Alans and Vandals moving from Gaul to Spain.
Syanbinian Jujan Khan Shelun Deuday unlimitedly controlled steppes from Khingan to Altai. Tele were subjugated. Central Asian Huns, after winning battle at river Ili, recognized suzerainty of Syanbinian Jujans and bought peace by submissiveness.
Syanbinian Jujan Khan Shelun Deuday died (?-410), his brother Khulüy (410-414) becomes Khan.
Huns attack Roman Empire and sack Rome. Huns introduce pants to Roman Empire, which replace traditional togas.
After death of Khagan Uldiz (?-410?) Charaton (410-422?) becomes Khagan of Huns. In 412 Charaton receives Byzantian ambassador Olimpiodors. Charaton rules mostly eastern part of empire. No information till 422.
Byzantian embassy to Huns in Pontic area
Syanbinian Jujan Khan Khulüy (410-414) died, his cousin Datan (414-?) becomes Khan
Syanbinian Jujanes penetrated Tarbagatay area
Toba tribe unites Northern China into a kingdom known under Chinese name of Empire Wey
Huns settle in middle Danube. Rulers were Yabgu Roila (Rugila), Aybat (Eur. Mundzuk) and Khagan Oktar
420 - 552 A.D
Founder - Aksuvar (Aksungur)
Area - Half of Northern India, Afghanistan, parts of Turkistan, Eastern Turkestan but also significant parts of Central Asia (Tokharistan, Chaganian, Samarkand, Bukhara, Kesh, Ferghana, Chach (Total Area - 3,500,000 Km2)
Ephtalites were divided into White Chions and Red Chions
Jujan Khan Datan (?-424) with 60K cavalry invades Empire Wey. In 425 Tobases of Empire Wey expel them to behind Gobi
Major campaign by Tabgach Empire Wey army, under Emperor Tay-u-di (Toba Dao) disperses Syanbinian Jujanes. Datan disappears, leadership taken by his son Udi (430-445). Udi agrees to pay tribute to Empire Wey
Huns reach Rein. Yabgu Roila (Ruga) keeps friendly relations with Rome, lending troops to suppress Bagauds in Gaul
After Oktar, Ruga (432-437) becomes Hun Khagan
Akatzirs are subjects to Huns under Hunnish Khagan Ruga
Aybat (Eur. Mundzuk) (390-434) dies. His son Bleda, becomes Kagan and ruler of E. Huns (Ak Bulgar) (434-445). His son Attila becomes Yabgu of W. Huns (Kara Bulgar) (434-445).
Roman bishop of Margus crossed Danube and robbed royal Hun graves, stealing their burial treasures. War broke out
Possibly during Byzantine campain Ruga (Rua, Roila, Rugila) dies (?-434), Atilla and his brother Bleda are elected, his nephew Attila becomes ruler of left (western) wing of empire
Attila forces Eastern Roman Empire to recognize the superiority of Huns. Constantinople gives many concessions in treaty of Margus: Hun merchants’ rights, military alliance conducts, the return of Hun fugitives, and increases tribute to 700 pounds of gold to be paid each year
Syanbinian Jujanes under Udi resume attacks on Empire Wey. In 439 Empire Wey counterattacks, without decisive battle. In 440 Udi attacks border and flees. Then again in 445.
In 439 Tobases had victory over Huns and joined Chesi to Wey Empire, Khan Ashina with 500 families fled to Syanbinian Jujanes and settled south of Altai mountains and produce iron for Syanbinian Jujanes.
Huns stand in Dunkhuan and battle against Shanshan
An horde of warlike Syanbinians retreated to Tibet from Khesi. Coming to a rich, but disunited country, Syanbinian leader attracted Kyans, i.e. occupied a dominating position between ever-hostile tribes.
In Tibet, descendants of Syanbinian leader had title Tsenpo, meaning in between King and Head of Government, supported by Syanbinians who are the only real force in country.
Huns stand in Dunkhuan and battle against Shanshan
Atilla has a full control in N. Caucasus. Treaty with Persian Shakh Yazdagar
Hephthalites (White Huns, later known in the West as Avars) move south from Altai region to occupy Transoxiana, Bactria, Khorasan, and eastern Persia
Huns are again on Danube border, took Singidun (Belgrad)
Ultimatum by Atilla to Theodosius II, who rejects it.
442-447 Huns powerfully invades Byzantium. Destruction of 70 cities in Illiria and Thrace, capture and inclusion of vast territory in Hunnish state
Peace between Theodosius II and Atilla. By peace of Anatolius (the mediator of the treaty negotiation) Romans were to pay 6,000 pounds of gold immediately, and yearly tribute set at 2,100 pounds of gold, and immediate release of Hun fugitives
Atilla, Kara Bulgar Yabgu, becomes Hun Kagan (445-453) upon death of Kagan Bled (434-445), the highest ruler from Caucasus to Danube. Per Priscus, Bleda had honor burial and three-day giant feast attended by all nobles in Kaganate
Syanbinian Jujan Khan Udi (430-445) died, his son Tukhechjen becomes Khan. Empire Wey undertakes punishment raids into steppes against Syanbinian Jujanes
2-nd peace of Anatolius between Byzantiun and Huns. Big tribute to Huns. Hun commander Edeco assented to assassinate Atilla for 50 pounds of gold
Byzantian embassy to Atilla, described by Priscus. Byzantian attempt to organize Atilla's murder
Akatzirs are reported by Priscus living near Black Sea and subjects to Huns. Attila (7) (437-453) installs Karidach (Kuridach) as Akatzirs Khan
In written sources, Huns get identified with Scythians and Kimmerians, and specifically to "Royal Scythians". Scythian ethnonym "As-kishi", or its stem "as" is retained in written sources, especially old Georgian documents, in Huns' name as "ovs", "os"
In written sources, Huns are identified with Scythians and Cimmerians, and specifically with "Royal Scythians". Scythian ethnonym "As-kishi", or its stem "as" is retained in written sources, especially old Georgian documents, in Huns' name as "ovs", "os"
Hunnish society attained progress thanks to contact with Roman civilization. In Attila's court, in dwelling place of Onegesios, bath constructed by prisoner from Sirmium are only some examples
Priscus: "because Scythians are mixed and besides their own language, they try to speak language of Huns, or Goths or Ausoni, when some of them have to do with Romans"
Per Priscus, Sabirs conquered lands of Onogurs, Saragurs and Ugors in steppes around north-western Caspian coast
Death of Theodosius II Flavy on a hunt (10.4.401). Markian, a son of a plain soldier, becomes Emperor, formally as a husband of Pulheria. 450 Markian refuses to pay tribute to Huns
Huns were called Os in V century, during their raids in Georgia in time of king Vakhtang. Word "ovs" of Georgian sources is actually a slightly deformed name of a Turk tribe "As"
Attila heads great army, size of Hunnic army has been variously estimated at between 300,000 and 700,000, crossed Rhine and swept across Europe looting, pillaging, and burning. Aetius battles Attila at Battle of Chalons on Catalaunian Plains
451.06.15 "Battle of Peoples" at Catalaun ravine near present Trua. On Atilla's side are Huns, Geruls, and part of Franks, on Aecius side Roman legions recruited from Gaul and Germany, Vestgoths, Burgunds, Franks, Armorician Alans headed by Sanhiban. No definite result.
Jordanes: In a direct fight battled strongest troops on both sides, without surprise attacks. Mighty tribes were killed, 165K on each side, plus 15K Gepids and Franks who fought at night, killing each other, Franks on Roman side, Gepids on Hun's side
Atilla prepares a campain in Italy
Italian campain of Atilla, ending with peace. In spite of large conquests, Atilla agreed to peace because of epidemy in his army.
Atilla (434-453) weds young German Ildico. Next morning he is found dead. End of Hunnish hegemony in Central Europe. Atilla is given state funerals. Ellak becomes Hun Kagan (453-454)
Vestgoths, headed by Torismud, son of killed in Catalaunian Plains Theodorix, defeat Huns and expell them from their territory.
Coalition of Germanic clans defeats and kills Ellak in battle at Nedao.
Gepids under Ardaric battle Huns under Kagan Ellak. Tingiz (Dengizik/Diggiz) and Bel-Kermek (Hernach) retreat to a military camp and defend for 2 years. Negotiations allow Tingiz and Bel-Kermek leave with Bulgars, remaining defenders are surrendered to Ardaric.
To Ellak, eldest of brothers, given Sabir ulus, to 2-nd son Tengiz given Kutrigur ulus, to Bel-Kermek, 3-rd son, given Utigur ulus
454-565 Gepids control Pannonia. Gepidian reign is established in Dacia (current day Transylvania)
Several Hunno-Bulgar uluses outside of three main Hunnic hordes joined with Byzantines with obligation of military services, and were given land to settle as protectors against their northern cousins
Coalition of Germanic clans defeats and kills Ellak (453-454) in battle. Sabirs without Ellak retreat to East, through Pontic Steppes, to Daghestan. Kutriguri and Utiguri under Bel-Kermek (Hernach), fell back to 'Ugol' place that corresponds to Bessarabia
454 - 455 Rebelion in Hun's state. German tribes of Gepids, Rugs, Geruls rebelled. Battle at Nedao (Nedava, tributary of Sava). The coalition was composed of the Gepids, Scires, Suaves, Ruges, Herules and Ostrogoths
Jordanes: You could see Goth with lances, Gepids with mad with sword, Rug breaking spears in his wounds, and Svev bravely acting with bat, and Hun with arrow, Alan with heavy, Gerule with light weapons.
Atilla's son Ellak tried suppress rebelion, was defeated and died in battle. Remains of Ellak's army retreated east of Carpathians. Two other sons Dengizik (454-455) and Ernak remained in Dacia and Bessarabia. Alans led by ruler Kandak were forced to go to Dobrudja
Ostrogoths take part on losing side in battle at Nedao where Gepids under Ardaric crush last Hun coalition. Ostrogoths become sovereign and settle in Pannonia
275 - 454 A.D
Founder - brothers Muncuk, Oktar, Rua & Aybars
Area - S Russia, Romania, N Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria, Chekoslovakia, S& C Germany. From E France to Urals; from N Hungary to Byzantine Empire (Area -4,000,000 Km2)
Tingiz and Bel-Kermek (Hernach) (455-465) lead Bulgars, on way from Pannonia to estuary of Buri-chai (Dnieper) are attacked by Gallidjians (Scandinavians). Tingiz is killed. Bel-Kermek raises red flag of Asses and breaks through to lower Dnieper.
Bel-Kermek, 3rd son of Atilla, leads Bulgars to settle between Crimea and estuary of Buri-chai (Dnieper), and proclaims a beylik of Altynoba, with Bel-Kermek as Baltavar (Lord of Beys).
Bel-Kermek with Hun's Sadagariem and other tribes remain in Dobrudja (Little Scythia) and Lower Moesia. Later known as Sacromontizies and Fossatizies.
Two other Attilla's sons, Emnetzur and Ultzindur lead from Crimea tribes of Ultzindzur and Ultzindgur to Byzantium on right bank of Danube
Jews from Armenia and Persia begin immigration to North Caucasus
Hephthalites conquer Kushans and invade India
Bulgar tribes of Ultinzur, Bittugur and Bardor flock to Altynoba, with Bel-Kermek as Baltabar (Lord of Beys). Huns adopt name Bulgar, Bulgars adopt Hun's language.
Ogur Türkic tribes, including Onogurs (Onoghur = 10 Ogur Confederation), Saragurs (White Türks) and Uturgurs (Utigurs) (Uturgur = 30 Ogur Confederation) cross Itil and enter Europe.
Priscus Rhetor: In 463 Byzantium was visited by an embassy of Saragurs, Urogs and Onogurs, who, dislodged by Avars drive to west, conquered conquered lands of Akacirs and asked for a union with Byzantium
Destunis G.C.: Saragurs, Urogs and Onogurs sent embassy to Byzantine. They said that they were expelled by Savirs, who fled Avars, who fled from people living on shores of ocean. Saragurs subjugated Akacirs and want to become Roman federates
Gumilev suggests that after fall of Hun's Empire Bulgars take a lead and decimated Akacirs, finishing fall of Hun's Empire
Bulgars led by Bel-Kermek control lands of Akacirs and asked for a union with Byzantium
Altynoba's Bel-Kermek (455-465) dies, his older son Djurash Masgut becomes Altynoba Baltavar (465-505).
Agaçeris crossed Caucasus and invaded Media. Agaçeris are included in Five Ogur confederation which also included Karluk, Kangly, Kalaç and Kipchak nations
Tengiz (Dengizik) and Bel-Kermek (Hernach) sent ultimatum to Byzantium, when it is rejected, Dengizik invades Thrace, but is defeated under command of Byzantine’s Anagast and Aspar. Dengizik dies in battle.
Bulgar Kutigurs fight Byzantine (468-469). Byzantine’s Anagast procured Khan Dengizik's head after he was killed and sent it to Constantinople where it was displayed atop of a spear. Kutrigurs never forgot Utigur Hernach's refusal of help.
468 - 469 Danube war between Huns and Byzantium. Bel-Kermek (Hernach) after Dengizik death leads army. Byzantium beats off invasion with difficulty. Byzantium mercenary army consists of Slavs and Alans commanded by Aspar, whose father was Alan.
Vernadsky G.V.:"in some respect Danube war of 468 - 469 was a war of Alans and Ants against their former masters, Huns." After Byzantian victory Huns left Dacia and Bessarabia. These provinces opened for Slavic colonization.
Western Hunnish clans retreated. Utigurs to Azov-Taman SE of Sea of Azov. Kutrigurs to between Dnieper and Don Rivers, NW from Sea of Azov Utigurs. Sabirs in Daghestan SE of other two Hunnic hordes, between Daryal Gorge and Kuma River on Caspian Sea.
469 - 488 movement of Bel-Kermek army back to Meotian-Taman region. They call themselves descendents of Hernach and are known as Utigurs (Kulakovsky "Alans")
Remnants of Tengiz (Dengizik) horde follow Utigurs to Dniepr and settle between Dniepr and Meotian Sea. They were called Kutigurs.
Ioanes Antiochenus: First written agreement of Byzantium emperor Zeno (474-475,476-491) with Bulgars' Djurash Masgut (465-505), allying them in war against Ostrogoths Goths of Theodoric (493-526), son of Triarius [Must be 475]
Bulgars fight again against Goths as allies of Byzantium
Bulgars settle in Moesia, Thrace and Macedonia after expelling Theodoric Ostrogoths (488).
Khazarian khalifa begins rule over Georgia and Abania in S. Caucasus
Bulgars fought again against Goths as allies of Gepids.
Bulgarians had been regarded as a brave and invincible in war people
Chersonesus ruler decided to restore walls and towers damaged by earthquake, scared of Kutugur's raids
Kutigur Bulgars invade Thrace, defeat Byzantine army and kill their leader Julian.
493-499 Altynoba's Djurash Masgut Kutigur Huns start raiding Thrace, possibly with Slavs. They took advantage of a civil war in Byzantium.
Altynoba's Djurash Masgut in winter 498-499 annihilate Byzantium Illyrium army and extends to left bank of Danube. Altynoba subordinates to Avar overlordship.
Nestorians accompany Shah Kavad I to Turkestan and evangelize the Hephthalite Huns, north of the Oxus River
Earliest settlement on site of city of Bolgary dates to about AD 500
Altynoba's Djurash Masgut Kutigur Huns Bulgars plundered all of Thrace
Altynoba's Djurash Masgut Kutigur Huns raid Thrace, possibly with Slavs
Altynoba's Djurash Masgut (465-505) dies, Tatra (505-) becomes Bulgarian Baltazar subordinated to Avar overlordship.
Sabirs from Pannonia immigrate to North Caucasus and Itil valley
Sabirs created a powerful federation of akin tribes, "Kingdom of Huns". They were populous and had an army of 20,000 well equipped cavalrymen. They were masters of art of war and build siege machines unknown even to Persians and Byzantines.
Teles (Teleutes) Khan Mivotu in vassalage to Ephtalites. Helps Empire Wey 's 3K army defeated Syanbinian Jujanes at lake Puley, after being paid 60 pieces of silk by Empire Wey. Futu dies in struggles. Mivotu is rewarded with musical instruments.
Cheunu (508-520) becomes Syanbinian Jujan Khan.
Altynoba's Tatra Bolgarian raids against Byzantium become annual. Hunno-Bulgars aid in Vitalians Revolt (514 ).
Buddhism penetrates to Syanbinian Jujanes. Khan Cheunu converts to Buddhism. Religious divisions in ruling clan
Syanbinian Jujan Khan Cheunu attacks Tele's kingdom Gaogüy, captures Tele (Teleut) lord Mivota, Tele escape to Ephtalites.
Slavs raid Macedonia and Illiria
Cheunu sends an embassy to Empire Wey, received by emperor Syao-min-di, re-establishes vassalage to Wey.
Justin I repulsed Slav hordes beyond Danube
Syanbinian Jujan Khan Cheunu makes a treaty with Ephtalites, gives Eftalite lords his princesses as wives. Allies with Korea (Gao-Guyli) against Empire Wey, and together smash Manju tribe Dideugan.
Empire Wey recognized suzerainty of Turfan's Gaochan, and Syanbinian Jujanes continue to trade with them, receiving bread and cloth. Iron goods are provided to Syanbinian Jujans by their Türk (Türks-tuku) vassals in Altai.
Syanbinian Jujan Khan Cheunu (508-520) killed by his mother, installed her another son, Anahuan, replaced by Polomyn.
Teles rebel and defeat remaining Syanbinian Jujanes under Polomyn, and Polomyn moves to Empire Wey with remains of his Horde. Anakhuan escaped to Empire Wey in 520, so both branches of Syanbinian Jujan horde ended up in Empire Wey.
Polomyn's horde is resettled within Empire Wey by lake Kukunor, and Sinifa, brother of Anakhuan, is resettled beyond border, north of Dunkhuan.
Anahuan leads Empire Wey expedition against rebel fortress Bo-ye and defeats rebels. Receives rewards and absolution from Empire Wey.
Togon's Syanbinian prince Kualüy pronounces himself Khan.
Procopius Caesariensis: Hephthalites are people from Unn tribe, but they do not mix with them… they are not nomads like other Unn tribes, but live since ancient times in a fruitful country… Among all other Unns they are the only ones with white bodies and not repulsive faces
Procopius: Chosroes sent army of Huns into Roman Armenia, to create a diversion there, had fallen into hands of Valerian and his Romans, and these barbarians had been badly beaten in battle, and most of them killed
Procopius gives first historical accounts about invasions of Slavic tribes across Danube. These invasions started during first half of 6th century during Roman emperors Justinian (527-565) to Heraklios (610-641)
Migrations of Slavs were frequently led by Türks, shown by archaeological finds (oldest pieces of Slavic pottery and metal art objects are borrowed from Türkic peoples), and by numerous Türkic loanwords concerning state organization and cultural life
Procopius Caesariensis: "Huns and Ants, Sklavens already crossed Danube many times and caused unrecoverable damage to Romans". Attack of Altynoba's Tatra Huns and Slavs on Byzantium. After next raid Justinian appoints Ant (Slav) Khvalibud a Roman commander on Danube
Anahuan with his horde attacks Tele's kingdom Gaogüy, defeats it. Tele's lord Ifu killed by his brother Üegüy, who continues resistance, is defeated, killed by Ifu's son Bidi.
The Hephthalite Huns learn to write, as a result of the work of Nestorian missionaries
Goths siege of Rome. To help Belisarius came army of Altynoba's Tatra Bulgars, Sklavens and Antes. Byzantines drive Goths from Rome with help of Bulgar troops (537-538)
Altynoba's Tatra Bulgar Huns raid to Thrace. Byzantium runs 3 wars
Tele's kingdom Gaogüy under Bidi is defeated and Gaogüy stops existing.
Split of Empire Wey makes Syanbinian Jujan Khan Anakhuan a gegemon for both halves of Empire Wey.
Altynoba's Tatra Kutigur Bulgars take and plunder not only rural areas, but take forts (539-540). In Illyrium alone, in 540, Kutigur Bulgars seized 32 forts.
Syanbinian Khan Kualüy sends embassy to Gao-Khuan in Syanbinian Eastern Wey, becoming an enemy of Syanbinian Western Wey.
Togon occupied considerable territory, had cities (protected settlements), had organized government, maybe copied from Tobases, had extensive cattle growing economy, low in culture, and under strong dominance of Khans.
Türkic autonomy is recognized by Western Wey
Byzantine use of treacherous politics cause Utiguri and Kutriguri to unite against them
Altynoba's Tatra (505-545) dies, Boyan Chelbir (545-590) becomes Baltavar subordinated to Avar overlordship
Syanbinian Jujan lord Anakhuan, allied with Syanbinian Eastern Wey, together with Eastern Wey's emperor Gao Khuan, and Togon's king Kualüy, attack Syanbinian Western Wey, but do not defeat Syanbinian Western Wey decisively.
Emperor of Syanbinian Western Wey Ven-di sends ambassador An Nopanto to Türk lord Bumyn. Bumyn displays disloyalty to their suzerain Syanbinian Jujanes and sends a reciprocating embassy to Syanbinian Western Wey capital Chanan.
Türks under lord Bumyn become allies of Syanbinian Western Wey and its successor Bey Chjou.
Bey Chjou dynasty was not of Chinese, but of Syanbinian roots and relied on assimilated Syanbinian elite.
Ephtalite embassy came to W. Wey
Bishop consecrated for the Hephthalite Huns
West Tele tribes revolt against Syanbinian Jujan dominance, and attack from western Djungaria toward Khalka in Syanbinian Jujan heartland.
West Tele tribes are intercepted on the march by Türkic army coming from valleys of Gobi Altai in lined formations, covered by armored plates, on well fed war horses. West Tele army, surprised by unintended enemy, pledged submission to Türkic Lord Bumyn.
Bumyn, by accepting West Tele tribes vassalage displays another unloyalty to Syanbinian Jujanian suzerainty.
Descendant of Gao-Khuan, Gao Yan, establishes his own dynasty in Syanbinian Eastern Wey named Bey-Tsi.
Mid. VI century Period of king Sarosius' government in Alania. Establishment of tight contacts between Alania and Byzanthia.
Türkic Khan Bumyn (1) provokes Syanbinian Jujanes to a war by asking for a Syanbinian Jujan princess as a wife. Anakhuan refuses, calling him slave-smelter daring for such an offer.
Boyan Chelbir Bulgars and Slavs led by Khagan Zabergan (558-582) cross Danube, loot Thrace and Macedonia, and attack Constantinople. Military losses, Byzantine bribes, and attack of Bulgar homeland by Avars causes Khagan Zabergan to withdraw his forces.
Boyan Chelbir Kutriguri Bulgars break through Antian border guard into Byzantine
Zachariah Ritor: Bulgars and Alans are mentioned once as settled populations with towns, and once as nomads. Bulgarians towns were in territory immediately next to Caspian gates, while nomads - in steppes north of Caucasus.
Zachariah Ritor: Thirteen peoples Avnagur (Onogur), Avgar, Sabir, Burgar, Alan, Kurtargar, Avar, Hasar, Dirmar, Sirurgur, Bagrasir, Kulas, Abdel and Hephtalit live in tents, earn their living on meat of livestock and fish, of wild animals and by their wea
Onogurs had towns - in earlier times they had built town of Bakat.
Boyan Chelbir Kutrigurs raid Thrace. Byzantium, with a skillful diplomacy, incite Uturgurs against Kutrigurs, and Uturgurs attack Kutugurs
Türkic Khan Bumyn executes Syanbinian Jujan's ambassador, and in winter of 552 attacks Syanbinian Jujanes and defeats them.
Bumyn Il Khan (1) dies in 552, his son Kolo Isigi (3) becomes Khan (552-552) under name of Kara Issyk Khan (3) , his uncle Istemi (2) remains Istemi-Yabguu.
Syanbinian Jujanes, defeated by Türks, elect Anakhuan's uncle Dynshuttsy Khan and continue fight. In a battle near mountain Lyanshan they are defeated by Kara Issyk Khan.
Anakhuan commits suicide, his son Yanlochen flees to Syanbinian Eastern Wey under dynasty of Bey-Tsi. Bumyn takes title of Il Khan, but dies in same 552
Huns and Syanbinians conquered from China western part of Shansy province. Local people were submitted to Hunnish Khan Mugan, who controlled Chesi area west of Ordos, between bends of Chuanche and Nanshan.
Kipchaks were members of Türkic Kaganate, Boma were not members of Türkic Kaganate
Kipchaks lived in Altai, valley of Chjelyan = Djilan = Snake, so Snake mountain and city Zmeinogorsk. Probably same as Boma of Dinlin Belonged to Türkic Kaganate, lived in Alashan, mixed with Kangals, became Koman/Kuman/Cuman Russ. Polovets)
Kara Issyk Khan (3) dies in 552, his younger brother Kushu (4) becomes Khan as Mugan Khan (553-572).
420 - 552 A.D
Founder - Aksuvar (Aksungur)
Area - Half of northern India, Afghanistan, parts of Turkistan (Total Area - 3,500,000 Km2)
Bolgars living along lower Dniepr and Don are Kuturgur Huns. Bolgars living along Kuban are Uturgur Huns. Kuturgurs raid Byzantium's Thracia, Byzantium incites Uturgurs to fight with Kuturgurs.
Istemi Yabgu stops at Itil (Itil), allowing Vars and Huni. both from North of Aral Sea to escape to west and become known as Avars.
Vars (Ugrian tribe, related to Hungarian ancestors Ogors/Ugrs which lived between Itil and Ural rivers, and to Hungarians living in Bashkiria up to XIII c.) and Huni (Khionites = Sarmato-Alanians), both from North of Aral Sea, become known as Avars.
Hunno-Bulgars are attacked by invading Avars. Utiguri, Kutriguri, and Sabiri conquered (559-560).
Turks conquered Volga and Urals areas. Remains of Huni, Var, and Obr tribes went west to Danube, creating united Avar people.Their first task was to escape from enemy. They managed it only because that Ephtalites were active in C Asia and distracted Istem
Discovered in Mongolia late in 20c inscription Var-guni (Bar-guni) mention Europian Avars. Majority of Avar time skeletons from Hungary are Mongoloids, Bayan was probably Mongolian word, evidence that Avars were Mongol Jujuns
Avar Khaganate extended from Itil to mouth of Danube. Bolgars are split, with Kuturgur Huns (also listed are Onogundurs (10 Oghur Confederation), Hunnogurs, Sabirs belonging to Avar Khaganate, and Utugur Huns (30 Oghur) and Khazars loyal to W. Khaganate
AVAR EMPIRE 562 - 796 A.D Founder - Bayan Khan Area - area between Volga, Hungary and Bessarabia The seat of the Avar kaghan and his warlords east of the Danube in Pannonia, known as the Rhing
End of AVAR EMPIRE 562 - 796 A.D Founder - Bayar Khan Area - area between Volga, Hungary and Bessarabia
Avars subjugate Hunnugur and Sabir, and other Hunnic hordes, assimilating them under Avar Khaganate.
Lombardian King Alboin led a host of Lombards, Gepids, Sarmatians and other peoples (including Hunnic Bulgars, per Paul the Deacon) from Pannonia to Italy. Others, amongst them Bavarians, Saxons and Taifali, joined the invasion en route
Tardu Yabgu sends Bokhan to attack Byzantine in Crimea and Panticapeum (Kerch) as a leader of Utigur Huns under chief Anagai (576-590).
Tardu Yabgu sends Bokhan to attack Byzantine in Crimea and Panticapeum (Kerch) as a leader of Utigur Huns under chief Anagai.
Regions along lower Danube were in 6th and 7th centuries inhabited by Sclavinae, Antes, and Huns (probably Bulgarians). Moldavia and northeastern Muntenia were populated by Slavic tribe of Antes.
Tardu Yabgu sends Bokhan to attack Cheronesus as a leader of Utigur Huns under chief Anagai.
Kuturgur Hun Bolgars settle in Bessarabia and Wallachia, from which they will move to Moesia under pressure from Magyars, and make it Bolgaria.
Hunnic Khan Zabergan (558?-582) dies, Gostun becomes Hunnic Khan ruling over Kutigurs.
Avar Khagan Bayan appointed Gostun as the Khan of the Kutriguri (582-584 AD)(House Ermi) after Khan Zabergan's death in an invasion of Byzantium in northern Illyricum. Here the Avars and the Hunno-Bulgars attacked and seized the Fortress of Sirmium on th
Hunnic Khan Gostun (582-584) dies, Orchona becomes regent of his nephew Kubrat (584-594).
Hunnic Regent Orchona (584-594) dies, Kubrat accends to Khanship (594-642).
Baptism of "Hunnish Khan" in Constantinopole. Avars reach Constantinopole.
Avars controlled all Kuturgur Hun lands Uturgur (Onogur?) Bolgars did not participate in Khazars' war raids into Caucasus Uturgur (Onogur?) Bolgars guarded western border of Western Kaganate Uturgur (Onogur?) Bolgars are allied with Tele (Dulu).
Tardu Tong Yabgu of Western Khaganate (619-630), per Chinese shronicle Tanshu, subjugated Toleses between rivers Orkhon and Tola and Aral Lake, to Iranians, and advanced to Khandagar in south. His army has hundreds of thousands good bow-shooters.
Seyanto gave a blow from behind. Ashina Chuni, loyal to traditions of Eastern Kaganate, raised his army against Seyanto. He had 50K army without success.
Tribes that did not receive autonomy were Karluks, Yagma (YanNyan), Kipchaks, Basmals, and Huns (Dulu) tribes Chue, Chumi and Shato.
Famous treasury is found in village Nagi Szent Miklos in Hungary, 23 golden cups with Turkic inscriptions, dated by Avar period
Kubrat's 4th son Ultzindur (Balkor?) moved from S of Crimea his Ultzindurs and Ultzingurs of Hunnish stock to Pannonia under Avars
Kubrat's 4th son Kuber (Ultzindur) moved from Crimea his Huns Ultzindurs and Ultzinzurs to Pannonia under Avars
Albanian missionary bishop Israel describes "Kingdom of Huns" (Belendzher) capital Varachan located north of Derbent, and Tangri cult of Northern Dagestan Barandzhar (Balandzhar) = Onogur = Utigur Bolgars, subordinated to Khazars.
Khazars are frequently allied with Huns of North Caucasus. Alp, Elteber of Huns of North Caucasus, is a vassal of Khazars. Huns capital city is Varachan (late 10 c).
Ashina Khayn subjugated Semirechye for Empire Tan. Shato subdued without fight. Subjugated Western Turks and bowed Karluks, Huvu and Shunishes
After living as neighbors of the Chuvash people for over 1,000 years, a part of the Hungarians moved to the south to "Levedia" in approximately 750 AD, while others remained between the River Volga and the Ural Mountains
In about the years 840-850 AD, the Hungarians were forced to move westwards to "Etelkoz and they then occupied the Carpathian Basin in 896 AD living there to this day
Some Khazar Kabars settle in Transilvania/Hungary with Magyars.
Avaria (Pannonia) is divided between Slavic state of Great Moravia under Svyatopolk, and Turkic Khanate of Bolgaria. Bolgar Onogundur (or Onogur) settle there, possibly giving name to Hungary.
Kengeres join in Hungarian invasion of Byzantium. Thrace.
Khan Bonyak Cumans defeat Hungarian army of King Coloman Beauclerc at Przemysl
Kipchak Khan Kotyan's reign (1202-1240 ) over territories in N. Pontic and Hungary
Cuman Khan west of the Dneiper Bortz/Bortch (Turk. "debt") and 15,000 of his people baptized as Catholics and swear allegiance to Hungary in Moldavia
First bishopric of Cumania, with seat at Milkov in Moldavia, established in Transylvania and King Béla IV of Hungary assumed title “king of Cumania”
King Béla IV of Hungary granted asylum to Cumans and their prince Kotyan (BE "Kuthen"), who had earlier unsuccessfully tried organize Russ resistance to Mongols. Kotian agreed to convert his people to Catholicism, and be loyal to Hungary
Kuthen, considered a dangerous alien, murdered; Cumans left Hungary but resettled there by Béla IV in 1245.
Tataro-Mongols defeat of Hungarians and European knights. Invasion of Poland all the way to Silesia. Poles beaten in battle of Legnica and Henry the Pious of Silesia killed, yet Poland avoided fate befallen to Ruthenia conquered by Mongols
Cumans exacted revenge upon the Hungarians by deserting them in their greatest time of need. They fled to the Balkans, ravaging as they went
Béla IV's son, future Stephen V, married Cuman princess, and, under rule of their son (Ladislas IV [László]; 1272–90), Cuman influence in Hungarian affairs was great
Cumans did not completely assimilated into Hungarian society for centuries
Hungarian-Cuman force fights in Battle of Gollheim with army of Albrecht I of Habsburg
OTTOMAN EMPIRE Area - Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Anatolia, Caucasia, Crimea, Bessarabia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Sudan,..…
Hungarian Christian clergy edicts that Catholics cannot marry "Khazars".
Pope John XXII instructs Hungarian bishops not to collect tithes from Cumans
King Charles Robert of Hungary unsuccessful campaign against Basarab, Voivode (warrior prince) of Wallachia
Hungarian Jews, partly of Khazar origin, resettle in Poland and Austria.
End of use in Hungary of Turkic 32 character alphabet with 4 suplemental letters a,f,h,l from Greek.
1 Hsiung-nu in Chinese is one of the Chinese derogatory monikers for Huns, with a meaning “ferocious slaves”. There were more respectful names for Huns in Chinese, like “western nomads”, etc. Chinese also had plenty of derogatory terms for themselves too, but, in the scientific literature, unlike the “Hsiung-nu”, these terms are not used to designate Chinese.
2 Tocharians (Yüeh-chih) Yu-chi
3 Burial rite
Eastern Huns
The following is a citation from, related to 2-1 c. BC Ordos area cemetery:
The Hsiung-nu burials are, as a rule, individual, supine, with the limbs extended abd oriented in the 90 per cent of cases toward the northern sector. They can by divided into several groups:
1) those at the level of the earliest horizon with no inner grave or overgrave structure,
2) in a pit,
3) in a pit with a coffin and no overgrave structure,
4) in a pit with a coffin placed in a timber frame and no overgrave structure
5) in a pit with a wooden coffin placed in a stone cist and an overgrave stone setting,
6) in a pit with a coffin placed in a timber frame and with an overgrave setting ,
7) in a pit up to 10-15 m deep with a drams, a coffin, a timber frame and a several-logs-high chamber enclosed in a square stone setting of a big size, with the pit petitioned by four or five stone walls throughout its depth. In the three latter groups the coffin or the timber frame are often lined with vertical stone slabs and in some instances the pit is filled with similar slabs.
The burials with different types of structures are found next to each other and in some cases form chronologically integral complexes. The grave goods from different burials are typologically inseparable and give no ground for chronological classification. The main types of the Hsiung-nu burial structures have nothing to do with the sex or age composition of the population
Western Huns
4 This is a nice pearl of the racial attitude found in a multitude of scientific works. Romans, Goths, and Persians are beautiful and merciful blessings, and Huns, Avars, and Tatars are ugly and cruel menace. That did not prevent multitudes on both sides from marrying each other and producing mixed populations, including attractive offsprings to become Caesars, Basileuses, Kings, Tsars, Khans and Sultans. The speculation on 'bulgha' is another example of a scientific pearl, not unlike the Chinese’ selection of the hieroglyphs to denote a negative attitude. But in this scientific thought we go a step further, proclaiming a negative meaning for a self-ethnonym.
5 One of a number of versions that can be found in the literature.
6 The results of the archeological studies in the territories seized by Muscovite and then Russian Tsardoms starting in the 1650-es, continuously settled at the time for 12 centuries by the descendants of the ancient Bolgars, is a better evidence than the pseudo-scientific “probably” guesstimates. An existing Bolgarian group, the Balkarians, who were relatively isolated from the rest of the Bolgars, and still carry the Bolgar ancestry in its name and appearance.
7 The term Bulgar is still awaiting a qualified investigator. The simplest suggestion is by M. Zakiev: “Ethnonym Bulgars means ‘river people’, we meet ethnonym with the same meaning, Suar, who lived next to Bulgars.”
8 There are conflicting opinions on the attribution of the Syanbian language, and on the meaning of “Türk”. A. Mukhamadiev, analyzing legends of the Turanian coins, connects tur with the ancient Turkic word tura and toru - 'state', adding another potential concept for the etymology of the “Türk”: