Thursday, April 11, 2013

Uyghuristan Region

Uyghuristan Region


Uyghuristan Region of China is the motherland of Uyghur people. It lies at the heart of central Asia. It covers an area of over 1.6 million square kilometers (larger than the combined area of all the European states). Uyghuristan region borders the Tibet Autonomous Region and India to the south and Qinghai and Gansu provinces of China to the southeast, Mongolia to the east, Russia to the north, and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan to the west. The name "Xinjiang" (literally means "New Frontier", "New Land", "New dominion") was given to this region during the Manchu Qing Dynasty of China in 1884. In history, the region served as the key controlling section of the famous Silk Road, and played an important role in cultural exchanges between the East and West.
Uyghuristan region has world's formidable deserts, some of the world's greatest mountain ranges, and beautiful grasslands and forests. It is divided into two basins by Tengri Mountains (Tian Shan). Dzungarian Basin is in the north, and Tarim Basin is in the south. Its lowest point is the Turfan Depression, 155 metres below sea level. Its highest peak, Chogir Peak (also known as K2), is 8611 meters (28,251 ft) above sea level, on the border with Kashmir. The capital city Urumchi is 2250 kilometers (1398 miles) from the nearest ocean, is the furthest city from the ocean in the world.
Uyghuristan region has various interesting geographic features, including some of world's highest mountains (Kunlun mountains, Tengri mountains, and Altay mountains), largest inland basin (Tarim Basin), one of the world's largest sand deserts, hundreds of rivers and lakes, and some of the world's most unique desert forests. Its climate belongs to continental, arid and semiarid climate. But, it varies a significantly from region to region.
In Uyghuristan region, there are more than 580 types of wild animals, including high nose antelope, wild camel, wild donkey, river beaver, snow leopard, white crane, black crane, white-shoulder vulture and swan, etc. It is also home for more than 3000 types of wild plants some of which are unique to dry deserts of the region. The long sun-shine hours, makes the land suitable for growing cotton, grain, oil crops, sugar crops, vegetables and fruits. In particular, it is famous for its fruits and known as "home of fruits".
Uyghur region has large deposits of minerals and oil. More than one-third of the petroleum reserve and two-third of the coal reserve of China are in this region. Gold, Uranium, copper and other precious metals and mineral ores are also very abundant.
The Uyghuristan region has been drawing attention of researchers of the world for a couple of centuries. Recent interests of the world was drawn to the region due to discovery of mysterious mummies, which are contemporaries of Egyptian mummies and date back as far as 2000 B.C.

Famous Traveling Destinations

Bogda Lake (Heavenly Lake, Tian Chi)

In the middle of Bogda Peak (Bogda is means "God"), 110 km (68 miles) east of Urumqi, nestles Bogda Lake. Covering 4.9 square kilometers (1.89 square miles), this crescent-shaped lake deserves its name, Pearl of Tengri Mountains (Tian Shan). The lake is 2,000 meters above sea level, it is an alpine drift lake shaped in the Quaternary Glacial period. With melted snow as its source, Heavenly Lake enjoys crystal water. The lake was listed by UNESCO as a world heritage site in 1990.
In summer, the beautiful lake is an ideal cool resort. Boaters on the lake see the ever-changing silvery mountains soaring into the blue sky, their slopes highlighted with verdant pasture and flamboyant wild flowers.

Sayram Lake

Sayram Lake is located in the Bortala Prefecture near the Tengri Mountains, it is the largest alpine lake in Uyghuristan Region. The lake is about 20 kilometers (12 miles) long from east to west, 30 kilometers wide from north to south. It covers an area of about 454 sq kilometers (about 175 sq miles), and has an elevation of 2,073 meters (6,800 feet).
Sayram Lake is a fairyland with wonderful natural scenery. The lake is like a brilliant emerald inlaid in the basin surrounded by Tianshan Mountain. The water in the lake is very pure and clear. Flocks of ducks and swans coast on its surface. Flourishing cypress and cedar trees cover the whole mountain range. Cottages scatter the foothills of the mountains. Horses and sheep call on the mountain slope.

Karakol Lake

Karakol Lake is located approximately 200km from Kashgar, in Akto County, Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture. At an altitude of 3600m, it is the highest lake of the Pamir plateau, near the junction of the Pamir Mountains, Tengri Mountains and Kunlun mountain ranges. Surrounded by mountains which remain snow-covered throughout the year, the three highest peaks visible from the lake are the Muztagh Ata (7546m), Kongur Tagh (7649m) and Kongur Tiube (7530m). The lake is popular among travellers for its unreal scenery and the clarity of its reflection in the water, whose color ranges from a dark green to azure and light blue.

Kanas (Qanas, Hanas) Nature Reserve

Kanas Nature Reserve, 155 kilometers north of Burjin County, covers an area of 2.500 square kilometers. It is a complicated nature reserve, and is attractive with its unique scenery. This nature reserve, which incorporates forests, grasslands, glaciers, permafrost, mountains, rivers, lakes and other extreme northern ecosystem landscape elements, has diverse rare animals and plants and is rich in other wildlife resources. Thus it is an ideal area for scientific research, observation adventure, eco-tourism, film and television production, painting and photography. A total of 798 species of plants and about 117 different kinds of birds exist in the protected areas.
Kanas Lake is located in the heart of the nature reserve, with an area of 37.7 square kilometers and an average depth of 90 meters. The 125kilometer-long Kanas River winds its way like a pearl necklace with the Kanas Lake the most beautiful, bright pearl. Lake Kanas is China's deepest freshwater lake.

Narat Grassland

Located at the important line of communications connecting Southern and Northern Xinjiang, the west part of Narat Grassland connects to Kunes County Town, and leads onto Ghulja City. Along the ancient road, the east part of Narat Grassland is connected to the road leading to Balghuntay Town. Another road, the Maytagh—Kuca Road which stretches across the Tengri Mountains is also jointed by way of Narat Grassland.
As one of the four largest grasslands over the world, Narat Grassland boasts sub-alpine poad belt, and it has been a famous pasture land ever since the ancient times, and there are wide river valley, high mountains, the crisscrossed deep gores, the flourishing forest, open grassland combined with local Kazak folk customs.

Bayanbulak Grassland

Situated at the foot of Tengri Mountains in the northwest of Qara Sheher, covering an area of more than 23,000 square kilometers (5,683,424 acres), Bayanbulak is the second largest grassland in China and is one the most important stock raising bases of Uyghur region. Bayanbulak means 'abundant spring water' in Mongolian. If you come here you will be provided a unique chance to enjoy vast green grasslands which stretch as far as the eye can see. During the hot summer, many varieties of wild flowers are in bloom competing for attention. Many yurts are dotted in the grassland like pure white clouds. Sheep leisurely wander over the grasslands, adding a touch of beauty and a pastoral air to the whole scene.
The well-known Swan Lake is located in the prairie. Bayanbulak Swan Lake is a wide area of wetland that is made up of many interconnected small lakes. The Bayanbulak Swan Lake is the first and largest wild swan natural protected zone in China. Altogether there are 128 species of swans living in this beautiful place.

South Pasture (Nan Shan)

The South Pasture Land is situated in the valley of the Tengri Mountains, about 75 km (47 miles) to the southern suburb of Urumqi city. South Pasture slopes are covered with dragon spruce and mountain flowers everywhere. In the deep of the valley there is a small water-fall of 20 meters high. The crystal clear brook water winds the high mountain and lofty mountain range. The green grassland is dotted by sheep flock and train of horses. Here is a natural pasture land of beauty. It is cool in the summer, and is a good place to get away from the heat, excellent for hiking and horseback riding.
Far south of South Pasture is the Number One Glacier, the first in China to be thoroughly researched. The area is located in the higher peaks in the South Pasture range (over 14,000 ft) and boasts spectacular views along with few tourists.


Turfan is located in the Turfan Depression in the center of the Uygur Autonomous Region. The area around the city, the Turfan Depression is the lowest point in China and second lowest on Earth (after the Dead Sea) at 154 meters below sea level. It is very dry and sometimes very hot, well into the 40'sC. The local people have developed Karez wells, an irrigation system composed of wells connected by underground channels, to counter the heat and drought of the place.
Despite of its harsh weather condition, Turfan is internationally known for its grapes, multi-colored watermelons, cantaloupes, apricots, raisins and wine. The famous grape valley is located to the northeast of the Turfan city.
Turfan once served as a trade and Buddhist center on the ancient Silk Road. The Yarghul (Jiaohe) Acient City, Idikhut (Gaochang) Acient City, Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves, Emin Minaret, Astana Tombs bear witness to the city's flourishing past.

Karez Wells

Karez wells of Turfan area are listed by UNESCO as world heritage. Karez wells are a successful application of the sinking technology of the Central Plains in the Turfan area. It is a historic inheritance and promotion of the sinking technology of the Central Plains, and plays a very important role in the study of the sinking technology both in the Central Plain and in the Middle and West Asia. There are more than 1400 Karez wells in Turfan area, among which 538 sets are in Turfan city, 418 sets in Pichan (Shanshan) and 180 sets in Toqsun. The total length amounts to more than 5000 km with an annual runoff volume up to 300 million cubic meters.


Kashgar is located in southwestern part of Uyghur autonomous region, bordering the Taklamakan Desert in the east, the Kunlun Range in the south. It is the meeting point of the northern and southern ancient Silk Road, and is famous for carvings, arts and crafts, and music and dance. The city has a history of more than 2000 years, it is said to have the largest bazaar in Asia.
The Chinese government has recently begun implementing its plan to "make the city earthquake proof" by tearing down the ancient old city and replacing it with tacky Chinese modernity.
Places to see:
  • Kashgar Old City (Old Town)
  • Id Kah Mosque
  • Tomb of Apak Hoja
  • Tomb of Yusup Khass Hajip
  • Tomb of Mahmud Kashgari


Aksu Prefecture is located in the southwest portion of Uygur Autonomous Region. It shares a 235 kilometers-long boundary to the northwest with Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. In the south, it is separated from Hotan by the Taklamakan Desert. It is about 450 kilometers northeast of Kashgar.
On the ancient Silk Road, Aksu became important as a connecting point for Central China with Central Asia and West Asia.
The highest peak of the Tengri Mountains, Tömür peak is 7435 meters above sea level, and located in northwest of Onsu County of Aksu. The Tömür Peak is well known for spectacular and marvelous nature landscape.
The Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves, located 60 km (37.2 miles) of Baay County of Aksu, is the earliest Buddhist art treasure trove in China, even one century earlier than the famous Mogao Grottoes. The Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves are corridor of murals surpassing other existing caves in China in its abundance in content, quantity and long duration. The Caves are significant in Buddhism as well as in the history of Kǖsan (also called Qiuci, today's Kucha).

Hotan (Khotan)

Hotan lies in the Tarim Basin, just north of the Kunlun Mountains, which are crossed by the Sanju Pass, and the Hindu-tagh, and Ilchi passes. The town, located southeast of Yarkand and populated almost exclusively by Uyghurs, is a minor agricultural center. An important station on the southern branch of the historic Silk Road.
Hotan is famous for its high-quality nephrite jade which has a variety of colurs. It is also famous for its hand woven carpet workshops with over 2000 years of history. Hotan also produces one of the best Atles Silk which is made entirely by hand.

Ancient City of Kroran

Kroran (or Loulan) is an ancient oasis town founded in the second century on the north-eastern edge of the Lop Desert. Loulan, also known as Krorayina, was an ancient kingdom along China's Silk Road in Xinjiang. In 77 BCE, it became known to the Chinese as Shanshan, though the town at the northwestern corner of Lop Nur retained the name of Loulan. The ruins of the town of Loulan are on what were the western banks of Lop Nur, in the Bayin'gholin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, now completely submerged in the desert.
Ruins of the Ancient Kroran (Loulan) was located about 300 km (186.4 miles) northeast of Chaqiliq County of Uyghur autonomous region. It was the capital of the 36 kingdoms in the Uyghur region flourished during the 2nd century B.C. and the 4th century. It was also an important thoroughfare on the ancient Silk Road. A 3,800-year-old female mummy (circa 1600 BCE), the first of a series of mummies now known as the Tarim mummies, was discovered in Loulan in 1980 CE, indicating very early settlement of the region.
