Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Uyghuristan( East Turkistan ) is NOT part of China

• Uyghuristan( East Turkistan ) is NOT part of China.Free East Turkistan.
*he population of approximately 19 million includes several Turkic-speaking Muslim ethnic groups, of which the Uyghurs, numbering more than eight million, are the largest. As a result of Chinese government policies, the percentage of ethnic Chinese in East Turkestan has grown from four percent in 1949 to more than 40 percent at present, constituting some 7.5 million people.

Much like Tibetans, Uyghurs in East Turkestan have struggled for cultural survival in the face of a government-supported influx of Chinese migrants, as well as harsh repression of political dissent and any expression, of their distinct identity, however lawful or peaceful.

Reports from East Turkestan document a pattern of abuse including political imprisonment, torture, and disappearances. With only a few extremely rare exceptions, Uyghurs continue to be the only population in China consistently subjected to executions for political and religious offenses. Mosques are summarily closed and the Uyghur language is banned from use in schools. Uyghurs are subjected to compulsory unpaid labor on infrastructures, such as oil or gas lines to transfer East Turkestan’s resources to mainland China.

China should not justify their possession of this land by distorting historical fact.

We invite you to pledge:
-To call attention to the systematic and egregious human rights violations, atrocities and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the PRC from its inception to the present, including the Uyghur genocide.

• Taiwan is NOT part of China.
CCP should respect the will of Taiwan and understand that the REAL democracy cannot be crushed by China’s military force.

• Free Tibet from Chinese rules.
Despite China's claims that torture is prohibited, torture is routinely practiced in Tibet by the Chinese force.

• China supports the genocide in Darfur.
China is preventing the United Nations from taking action to stop the genocide in Darfur so its oil supply from Sudan is not slowed down.

• Falun Gong is subject to severe human rights violations in China.
The scale and scope of abuses taking place in China make it possibly the largest religious persecution in the world today.

• The CCP suppresses the Uyghur culture and religion.
The Uyghurs of East Turkistan have been and are still the victims of discrimination, hate and genocide that which is exercised by the Chinese Communist Government.

• Universal suffrage for Hong Kong
China is worried about losing control over Hong Kong. The CCP’s tactics is to stall on its promised timetable for universal suffrage for Hong Kong.

• The truth about the Tiananmen Square Massacre must be preserved and disseminated.
The CCP holds the full responsibility for the men slaughtering in the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

The purpose of this group is to expose the truth about the Communist Party of China (CPC), which promotes the understanding of the Chinese regime. For those of you who disagree with our belief, please take your unwanted opinions, videos, etc. to some pro-China groups and respect our view. This serves as a warning that I will take action in deleting people as well as remarks that do not serve the purpose of this group. Thank you.

Video about Uyghuristan:

10/08/07 - China interfering with Foreign Journalists Dispite Promise.

10/08/07 - 3 Tibetian Protesters from Canada Released:

10/08/07 - Rush Hour 3 Banned in China:

Tibetian Crackdown Photos

Email these companies and tell them what you think!
