Tuesday, September 22, 2009

THERE are fresh fears Chinese spies are operating unchecked in Australia and recruiting high school students to inform on expatriates.

The startling allegations emerged at a Refugee Review Tribunal in Melbourne last month, where it was alleged Chinese authorities had been monitoring and photographing Uighur rallies in Australia and threatening expatriates to snitch.

Diplomatic relations have already been strained over the Uighur issue, with Chinese authorities expressing dismay after last month's visit to Canberra by Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer.

Now Australian authorities have granted asylum to a Uighur doctor who arrived in Australia in 2006 after she was forced to perform abortions and make women sterile in China.

The tribunal heard evidence Chinese authorities have since been monitoring her activities here, and obtained photographs of her at a 2008 rally in Adelaide.

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The photographs were used by Chinese authorities to quiz associates of the doctor when they returned to China.

"(The friend) was questioned at the airport about a photo the authorities had showing the (Uighur doctor) at the community gathering with Rebiya Kadeer," the tribunal heard.

Documents included in the tribunal's decision allege Chinese spies are active in Australia and use threats to coerce information from expatriates.

"It is therefore conceivable that Chinese authorities would approach Uighur secondary school students to inform on the Chinese Uighur community in Australia," the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade told the tribunal.

"Failure to comply with Chinese authorities' expectations to provide information could possibly result in repercussions on return to China.

"This could include Chinese authorities harassing individuals and/or their family members."

The crackdown by Chinese authorities was aimed at ethnic Uighurs just before the last Olympics.

So concerned are Australian authorities about the behaviour of the Chinese authorities, the tribunal found the doctor would be in danger should she return to her home country.

"The tribunal finds that information strongly suggests if the applicant returned to China now or in the reasonably foreseeable future there is a real chance she would face persecution from the Chinese authorities for her imputed political opinion, religion and race," the tribunal ruled.

Allegations of spies on the ground in Australia come just months after Chinese authorities tried to bully the Melbourne Film Festival into not showing a documentary about the Uighurs.

Uighur Chinese are a minority ethnic group in China.

They are viewed with suspicion by authorities because of their Muslim beliefs and separatist aspirations.

Source: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/review-suspects-china-of-recruiting-students/story-e6frf7l6-1225772043788?from=public_rss