Sunday, August 30, 2009

UN urges 'humane treatment' for Tibet, Xinjiang detainees

Artile Link
Published: August 28,2009

Geneva , Aug 28 (AFP) The United Nations today urged China to guarantee"humane treatment"and offer fair trials to those held over last year's unrest in Tibet and July's violence in Xinjiang.

This included granting the detainees"access to a lawyer of their choice, presumption of innocence, and handing down proportionate sentences on those found guilty,"the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination said after considering China&aposs record.

China had said during the UN hearing held on August 7 and 10 that it has released 1,231 people held over the Tibet unrest after they were"punished, made to submit statements of repentance and educated by judicial authorities in Tibet."

Seventy-seven others have been charged with serious offences such as burglary, arson and obstruction of justice, while seven others were charged with espionage.

Beijing added that 718 people were still held over the violence in Xinjiang, with around 83 people facing charges of serious crimes, such as murder, arson and robbery.

In its conclusions published today, the UN committee acknowledged China&aposs duty to maintain public order in the face of the unrest, but said it was"concerned"at allegations of the disproportionate use of force against ethnic Tibetans and Uighurs.
