Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Ethnic riots spread in Uyghuristan-China

*A woman on a crutch argues with a Chinese soldier in front of an armoured personnel carrier and soldiers wearing riot gear as a crowd of angry locals confront security forces on a street in the city of Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Hundreds of Uighur protesters clashed with riot police in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang on Tuesday, two days after ethnic unrest left 156 dead and more than 800 injured.REUTERS/David Gray (CHINA CONFLICT MILITARY POLITICS RELIGION)

*Chinese riot police get into position as Uighur protesters gather during a demonstration in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Uighur protesters clashed with Chinese riot police in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang on Tuesday, two days after ethnic violence broke out leaving 156 people dead and more than 800 injured.REUTERS/Nir Elias (CHINA CONFLICT)
*Women hold their babies while sitting among other women in the middle of a road in front of Chinese soldiers wearing riot gear and armed policemen in the city of Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Hundreds of Uighur protesters clashed with riot police in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang on Tuesday, two days after ethnic unrest left 156 dead and more than 800 injured.REUTERS/David Gray (CHINA CONFLICT MILITARY POLITICS)

*A woman yells as another cries in front of Chinese soldiers wearing riot gear as a crowd of angry locals confront security forces on a street in the city of Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 7, 2009.REUTERS/David Gray

*Uighur protesters gather during a demonstration in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Uighur protesters clashed with Chinese riot police in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang on Tuesday, two days after ethnic violence broke out leaving 156 people dead and more than 800 injured.REUTERS/Nir Elias (CHINA CONFLICT)

*A Han Chinese crowd walk holding sticks and other items as they gather in the street in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Uighur protesters clashed with Chinese riot police in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang on Tuesday, two days after ethnic violence broke out leaving 156 people dead and more than 800 injured.REUTERS/Nir Elias (CHINA CONFLICT POLITICS)

*A crowd of Han Chinese carrying shovels, sticks and metal rods march towards the end of the city occupied by ethnic Uighurs in Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. China said a riot that shook the capital of the western Xinjiang region on Sunday killed 140 people and the government called the ethnic unrest a plot against its power, signalling a security crackdown.REUTERS/David Gray (CHINA CONFLICT MILITARY POLITICS)

*A large crowd of Han Chinese, some carrying shovels, sticks and metal rods, march towards the end of the city occupied by ethnic Uighurs in Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. China said a riot that shook the capital of the western Xinjiang region on Sunday killed 140 people and the government called the ethnic unrest a plot against its power, signalling a security crackdown.REUTERS/David Gray (CHINA CONFLICT MILITARY POLITICS)

*A group of Uighurs protest in front of journalists visiting the area in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. The city, where rioting and ethnic clashes killed over one hundred people two days ago, remained extremely tense Tuesday, as security officials and police continued to work to restore order.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*Uighur residents protest against paramilitary police on the streets of Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. The city, where rioting and ethnic clashes killed over one hundred people two days ago, remained extremely tense Tuesday, as security officials and police continued to work to restore order.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*Uighur residents try to stop a group of protesters from approaching armed paramilitary police in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. The city, where rioting and ethnic clashes killed over one hundred people two days ago, remained extremely tense Tuesday, as security officials and police continued to work to restore order.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*A group of Uighurs protest in front of journalists visiting the area in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. The city, where rioting and ethnic clashes killed over one hundred people two days ago, remained extremely tense Tuesday, as security officials and police continued to work to restore order.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*Uighur residents protest in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. The city, where rioting and ethnic clashes killed over one hundred people two days ago, remained extremely tense Tuesday, as security officials and police continue to work to restore order.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*A Uighur woman faces off with Chinese paramilitary police in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. The city, where rioting and ethnic clashes killed over one hundred people two days ago, remained extremely tense Tuesday, as security officials and police continued to work to restore order.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*Ethnic Uighur women grab at a riot policeman as they protest in Urumqi in China's far west Xinjiang province. Thousands of Han Chinese protesters armed with makeshift weapons have marched through China's Urumqi city vowing revenge after ethnic unrest claimed 156 lives, an AFP reporter witnessed.(AFP/Peter Parks)

*People inspect a blood-stained rock in Urumqi. Baton-wielding riot police have been deployed in the tense Chinese city following bloody weekend riots, as authorities announced the mass arrest of more than 1,400 people.(AFP/Peter Parks)

*Uighur protesters gather during a demonstration in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Riot police on Tuesday fired tear gas to try to break up rock-throwing Han and Uighur protesters who clashed in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang two days after bloody clashes killed 156 and wounded more than 1,000.REUTERS/ Nir Elias (CHINA CONFLICT CRIME LAW)

*Uighur protesters gather in front of policemen during a demonstration in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Riot police on Tuesday fired tear gas to try to break up rock-throwing Han and Uighur protesters who clashed in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang two days after bloody clashes killed 156 and wounded more than 1,000.REUTERS/ Nir Elias (CHINA CONFLICT CRIME LAW)

*A group of Uighurs face off armed paramilitary police as they protested infront of journalists visiting the area in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. The city, where rioting and ethnic clashes killed over one hundred people two days ago, remained extremely tense Tuesday, as security officials and police continue to work to restore order.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*A woman (bottom L) holds a baby amongst a group of other women in the middle of a road in front of Chinese soldiers and policemen, in the city of Urumqi, in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Riot police on Tuesday fired tear gas to try to break up rock-throwing Han and Uighur protesters who clashed in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang two days after bloody clashes killed 156 and wounded more than 1,000.REUTERS/David Gray (CHINA CONFLICT CRIME LAW POLITICS)

*A mob of Han Chinese throw rocks at a building where some Uighurs are believed to be hiding in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. The city, where rioting and ethnic clashes killed over one hundred people two days ago, remained extremely tense Tuesday, as security officials and police continue to work to restore order.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*Uighur protesters gather during a demonstration in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Riot police on Tuesday fired tear gas to try to break up rock-throwing Han and Uighur protesters who clashed in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang two days after bloody clashes killed 156 and wounded more than 1,000.REUTERS/ Nir Elias (CHINA CONFLICT CRIME LAW POLITICS)

*Han Chinese men attack a Uighur house despite tear gas attempts by paramilitary police to stop them in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7 , 2009. The city, where rioting and ethnic clashes killed over one hundred people two days ago, remained extremely tense Tuesday, as security officials and police continued to work to restore order.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*A crowd of Han Chinese carrying shovels, sticks and metal rods are stopped by Chinese soldiers wearing riot gear march towards the end of the city occupied by ethnic Uighurs in Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. China said a riot that shook the capital of the western Xinjiang region on Sunday killed 140 people and the government called the ethnic unrest a plot against its power, signalling a security crackdown.REUTERS/Nir Elias (CHINA CONFLICT MILITARY POLITICS)

*An angry crowd yell chants at Chinese soldiers and policemen during a confrontation with security forces on a street in the city of Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. China said a riot that shook the capital of the western Xinjiang region on Sunday killed 140 people and the government called the ethnic unrest a plot against its power, signalling a security crackdown.REUTERS/David Gray (CHINA CONFLICT MILITARY POLITICS)

*A Uighur woman faints during a protest sparked by the arrival of foreign journalists in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7 , 2009. Urumqi was tense Tuesday, with protests happening in several parts of the city and both Han Chinese and Uighur groups facing off with armed police.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*A Han Chinese man holds a plank during demonstrations in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Riot police on Tuesday fired tear gas to try to break up rock-throwing Han and Uighur protesters who clashed in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang two days after bloody clashes killed 156 and wounded more than 1,000.REUTERS/ Nir Elias (CHINA POLITICS CRIME LAW CONFLICT)

*A Uighur woman faints while protesting against the arrest of men in the community as journalists visited the area in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. Urumqi was tense Tuesday, with protests happening in several parts of the city and both Han Chinese and Uighur groups facing off with armed police.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*A local woman on a crutch shouts at Chinese armoured personal carriers and soldiers wearing riot gear as a crowd of angry locals confront security forces on a street in the city of Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. China said a riot that shook the capital of the western Xinjiang region on Sunday killed 140 people and the government called the ethnic unrest a plot against its power, signalling a security crackdown. REUTERS/David Gray (CHINA CONFLICT MILITARY POLITICS IMAGES OF THE DAY)

*Uighur protesters gather during a demonstration in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Riot police on Tuesday fired tear gas to try to break up rock-throwing Han and Uighur protesters who clashed in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang two days after bloody clashes killed 156 and wounded more than 1,000.REUTERS/ Nir Elias (CHINA CONFLICT CRIME LAW IMAGES OF THE DAY)

*Policemen carry a woman who had fainted on a street in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Chinese police have arrested more than 1,400 suspects in connection with rioting in the capital of Xinjiang region which left 156 people dead and more than 800 injured, Xinhua News Agency reported. REUTER/China Daily (CHINA CRIME LAW POLITICS RELIGION CONFLICT IMAGES OF THE DAY) CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA.

*Uighur women grab a police officer as they protest in front of journalists visiting the area in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. The city, where rioting and ethnic clashes killed over one hundred people two days ago, remained extremely tense Tuesday, as security officials and police continued to work to restore order.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*A woman lies on the ground as people try to revive her in front of Chinese soldiers in riot gear as a crowd of angry locals confront security forces on a street in the city of Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 7, 2009.REUTERS/David Gray

*Uigher women grieve for their men who they claim were taken away by the Chinese authorities after Sunday's protest in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7 , 2009. Urumqi was tense Tuesday, with protests happening in several parts of the city and both Han Chinese and Uighur groups facing off with armed police.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*One of the top dissidents from China's Tiananmen Square massacre Wu'er Kai Xi pauses as he denounces China's handling of the ethnic violence in the mainland's western Xinjiang region during a press conference in Taipei, Taiwan, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. Police have arrested more than 1,000 suspects in connection with the worst ethnic violence in decades in China's western Xinjiang region, which killed at least 156 people, state media reported Tuesday.(AP Photo/Wally Santana)

*One of the top dissidents from China's Tiananmen Square massacre Wu'er Kai Xi denounces China's handling of the ethnic violence in the mainland's western Xinjiang region during a press conference in Taipei, Taiwan, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. Police have arrested more than 1,000 suspects in connection with the worst ethnic violence in decades in China's western Xinjiang region, which killed at least 156 people, state media reported Tuesday.(AP Photo/Wally Santana)

*Wu'er Kaixi, an exiled Uighur and a former student leader who escaped to Taiwan after China's 1989, June 4 Tiananmen Square democracy movement, gestures while talking to the journalists during a news conference in Taipei July 7, 2009. Wu'er, whose family still lives in China's restive Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, spoke of the ongoing clashes and said that the casualty numbers released by the Chinese government should not be trusted. He also added that the Chinese government should take responsibility for the bloody clashes which have killed 156 and wounded more than 1,000.

*A Han Chinese woman holds a stick as she speaks to the media before protesters surged onto the streets in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Han Chinese armed with iron bars and machetes spilled down side streets and into the stairwell of an apartment building on Tuesday in looking for Muslim Uighur targets two days after bloody ethnic clashes killed 156 and wounded more than 1,000.REUTERS/ Nir Elias (CHINA CONFLICT POLITICS CRIME LAW)

* A Uighur man is taken away by police officers after a protest broke out when journalists visited the area in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. Urumqi was tense Tuesday, with protests happening in several parts of the city and both Han Chinese and Uighur groups facing off with armed police.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*Chinese soldiers look out the back of a truck near the main square in the centre of Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Han Chinese armed with iron bars and machetes spilled down side streets and into the stairwell of an apartment building on Tuesday in looking for Muslim Uighur targets two days after bloody ethnic clashes killed 156 and wounded more than 1,000.REUTERS/ Nir Elias (CHINA CONFLICT POLITICS)

*A paramilitary officer tries to persuade two Uighur women to leave when they attempted to face off a group of paramilitary police following a visit by journalists in the area in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7 , 2009. Urumqi was tense Tuesday, with protests happening in several parts of the city and both Han Chinese and Uighur groups facing off with armed police.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*Uighur women grieve in front of journalists visiting the area, claiming authorities have taken their relatives in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. Urumqi was tense Tuesday, with protests happening in several parts of the city and both Han Chinese and Uighur groups facing off with armed police.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*Chinese paramilitary police prepare to face off protesters in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. Urumqi was tense Tuesday, with protests happening in several parts of the city and both Han Chinese and Uighur groups facing off with armed police.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*Han Chinese armed with sticks break through a paramilitary police line as they attempt to attack Uighur areas in Urumqi, western China's Xinjiang province, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. Scattered mobs of Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese roamed the streets and beat passers-by Tuesday as the capital of China's Xinjiang region degenerated into communal violence, prompting the government to impose a curfew in the aftermath of a riot that killed over one-hundred people.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*Policemen carry a woman who had fainted on a street in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region July 7, 2009.REUTER/China Daily

*A group of Uighurs face off with armed police officers after they protested in front of journalists visiting the area in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. Scattered mobs of Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese roamed the streets and beat passers-by Tuesday as the capital of China's Xinjiang region degenerated into communal violence, prompting the government to impose a curfew in the aftermath of a riot that killed over one-hundred people.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*Uighur women grieve for their men who they claim were taken away by Chinese authorities after Sunday's protest in Urumqi, China, Tuesday, July 7 , 2009. Urumqi was tense Tuesday, with protests happening in several parts of the city and both Han Chinese and Uighur groups facing off with armed police.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

*In this photo taken on Sunday, July 5, 2009 and released by the Xinjiang Government Press Office on Tuesday, July 7, 2009, a body and a burnt out car are left in a street following a riot in Urumqi, China

*Chinese riot police watch a Muslim ethnic Uighur woman protest in Urumqi in China's far west Xinjiang province following a third day of unrest. Canada on Monday expressed alarm over violence in the ethnic Uighur enclave of Xinjiang in China, where scores of protesters were killed during weekend protests against the Beijing government.(AFP/Peter Parks)

*A Han Chinese mob march up a street in Urumqi. Thousands of angry Han Chinese armed with poles, meat cleavers and other makeshift weapons stormed through Urumqi as the flashpoint city riven by ethnic tensions descended into chaos.

*Policemen stand next to their vehicle on a deserted street as they enforce a curfew in the city of Urumqi in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region July 7, 2009. Han Chinese armed with iron bars and machetes roamed Urumqi city on Tuesday looking for Muslim Uighur targets to wreak revenge for bloody ethnic clashes two days earlier which killed 156 and wounded over 1,000. The government of China's northwestern region of Xinjiang will impose a curfew in the city of Urumqi from Tuesday night, the official Xinhua agency said, after thousands of protesters poured into the strete.

*At least 200 Muslim Uighur women staged a fresh protest in China's Urumqi city to demand the release of detained relatives, two days after deadly riots. Duration: 01:16

*Map showing Kashgar and Urumqi in China's Xinjiang province. Thousands of angry Han Chinese armed with poles, meat cleavers and other makeshift weapons stormed through Urumqi as the flashpoint city riven by ethnic tensions descended into chaos.

*The burnt wreckage of a car lies abandoned on a street in Urumqi. Thousands of angry Han Chinese armed with poles, meat cleavers and other makeshift weapons stormed through Urumqi as the flashpoint city riven by ethnic tensions descended into china.

*Uighur democracy leader Rebiya Kadeer describes the unrest in China's western Xinjiang province during a press conference on July 6. China has accused Kadeer of masterminding the violence, but she has denied the accusations and called for an international probe into the violence. Thousands of angry Han Chinese stormed through Urumqi as the flashpoint city descended into chaos.

Children wave the flags of East Turkestan, a short-lived break-away would-be constitutional republic founded in 1933, as they march toward the Chinese embassy before a group scuffled with police during a protest against China, in Ankara, Turkey, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. Several hundred Uighur and Turkish demonstrators denounced the riot in what is now China's Xinjiang region that killed at least 156 people