Thursday, July 30, 2009

HRES 624 IHCommentsClose CommentsPermalink

H. RES. 624CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Condemning all violent repression by the Government of the People’s Republic of China of peaceful Uighur protests.CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESCommentsClose CommentsPermalink

July 10, 2009CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Mr. DELAHUNT (for himself and Mr. ROHRABACHER) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign AffairsCommentsClose CommentsPermalink

RESOLUTIONCommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Condemning all violent repression by the Government of the People’s Republic of China of peaceful Uighur protests.CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas the U.S. Department of State has recognized and documented the Government of the People’s Republic of China’s repeated human rights abuses of the Uighur people;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has recognized and documented the Government of the People’s Republic of China’s repeated human rights abuses of the Uighur people;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas the People’s Republic of China has initiated an official campaign to encourage Han Chinese migration into the traditional Uighur homeland, resulting in the Uighur population becoming a minority in East Tukestan and has placed immense pressure on those who seek to preserve the linguistic, cultural and religious traditions of the Uighur people;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas the U.S. House of Representatives has and continues to recognize that the authorities in the People’s Republic of China have manipulated the strategic objectives of the international ‘war on terror’ to increase their cultural and religious oppression of the Uighur people;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas on June 25-26, 2009, in the Guandong Province in the People’s Republic of China, Uighurs residing in a toy factory dormitory were attacked by ethnic Han Chinese;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas the Guangdong incident allegedly resulted in 2 Uighur deaths and 118 injuries although other sources suggest a higher death toll;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas in response to the Guangdong incident, Uighur men and women protested peacefully to demand adequate investigation of the Guangdong incident;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas the Government of the People’s Republic of China, in response to the Uighurs’ peaceful protest, sent police and paramilitary forces in an excessive, violent use of force;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas the Government of the People’s Republic of China’s response to the Uighur protests has so far resulted in allegedly 156 deaths and more than 1,000 injuries;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas the Government of the People’s Republic of China has detained roughly 1,434 people and continues to pursue other alleged wrongdoers;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas the Government of the People’s Republic of China has taken steps to control information about the incident by attempting to block unofficial reports and discussions and has reportedly cut internet, cell phone, and international telephone services in the region;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas both the Han Chinese and Uighurs have suffered an unnecessary and equally tragic loss of life;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas the diaspora leader of the Uighur people, Rebiya Kadeer, has been labeled by officials and the state-run media in the People’s Republic of China as the mastermind of the above said protests; andCommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Whereas Rebiya Kadeer supports democracy and a peaceful resolution of the differences between the Uighur people and the People’s Republic of China: Now, therefore, be itCommentsClose CommentsPermalink

Resolved, That the House of Representatives--CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

(1) condemns all violent repression by the Government of the People’s Republic of China of peaceful Uighur protests;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

(2) expresses sadness at the loss of both Han Chinese and Uighur life during the recent upheavals;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

(3) calls on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to honor its Constitution’s guarantees for freedoms of speech and association, distinguish between acts of peaceful protest and acts of violence, and not treat peaceful protest as a crime;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

(4) calls on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to allow access by diplomats and other international observers to the trials of people charged with protest-related crimes;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

(5) calls upon the Government of the People’s Republic of China to allow international observers and journalists immediate and unfettered access where the protests took place;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

(6) calls upon the Government of the People’s Republic of China to provide details about each person detained or charged with a crime, including each person’s name, the charges (if any) against each person, the name and location of the prosecuting office and court handling each case, and the name of each facility where a person is detained or imprisoned;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

(7) calls on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to release any innocent individuals involved in the protest incidents and not seek the death penalty in those cases in which individuals were peacefully lodging their dissent;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

(8) calls on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to immediately conduct an adequate, legitimate investigation of the mob violence against the Uighurs occurring in the Guangdong Province with the consultation and involvement of international human rights nongovernmental organizations such as Amnesty International;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

(9) calls on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to immediately end all violent repression of peaceful Uighur protests;CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

(10) calls on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to end its slander of Rebiya Kadeer; andCommentsClose CommentsPermalink

(11) calls on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to end its human rights abuses and repression of the Uighur people
