Monday, March 31, 2008

The Uyghur People will Independence es like Tibet!

Hotan, Uyghuristan, China strongly protests the outbreak of repression CNA World Uyghur Congress spokesman Dilixiati today that the East Turkestan (Xinjiang) and Hotan City recently broke out nearly 1,000 protests, the Chinese government launched a large-scale crackdown, seizing nearly 500 people, and comprehensive information blackout.

Dilixiadi of the CNA, protests occurred in 23 and 24, participating in the protest activities of the nearly 1,000 people in 80 per cent are women. Chinese authorities arrested within two days 500 people, the fear of the incident spread to other Uyghur-populated areas, the local news has been fully blockade; current public security and national security personnel are stationed locally.

He said that the protesters who made several demands, including the cessation of the Uighur people arrested for torture, the release of political prisoners, ask the Chinese government to return were forcibly taken away in the cheap labour unmarried woman. Dilixiati pointed out that many unmarried girls were Uighurs to the Chinese Government, the name of helping the poor, to mainland China for cheap labor around the factory.

These girls were forced to take, have not been properly resettled, and even some girls were also forced prostitution, and this is the protest there are many reasons for the participation of women.

Dilixiadi said, the World Assembly of peacekeeping appealed to the international community a high degree of concern about China's East Turkestan implement policy, and hopes that the United Nations Commission on Human Rights will be the human rights of the Uighur human rights issues into the agenda of the meetings were discussed.
